
All Surrounded #1

When Diana woke up, she found herself in her bed surrounded by her mom and dad.

"Are you alright?" Her mom asked. She was holding her arm close to her chest while sitting on the bed. Worry was etched on her face. Diana nodded silently. and her mom smiled when she noticed her eyes searching the room. "Elliot left to do some work, he will come back later,"

Diana coughed when she heard those words. It seemed that her being cautious of Elliot was becoming a habit and It appeared that her family misunderstood her.

"Bone told me he couldn't find anything. He just saw how messy your fate lines are," He said, his voice was as cold as ever.

"How long have I been asleep for?" Diana sat up suddenly, realizing that she might have wasted time.

"For a few hours," Her mom said and continued when she saw the horror on her daughter's face. "Don't worry, we have been searching around and making sure of everything. We won't let anything happen to you or Elliot." Luna was happy to see her daughter showing some reaction, finally. She seemed so out of it today, so different from her original self. She hoped it was only the shock and stress playing out and nothing else.

Diana saw that it was three o'clock in the afternoon. She couldn't stop the feeling of loss from rushing in. All this time she had lost for nothing.

Her father told her that he had surrounded the house with bodyguards and sent out the news of canceling the engagement party today. A few called to ask why but after hearing that the young lady was sick, everyone understood and even sent their best wishes.

The maids were checked for any possible danger, and the whole house was on lockdown. Not accepting gifts from the outside and not sending anything from the inside. Everything was going too well that Diana started wondering what could happen now.

A knock on the door caught everyone's attention. Her mom called for the person outside to come in, and the moment James appeared in front of them, Diana knew why she had fond memories of him.

His eyes were so warm, especially when he looked at Diana. He had this smile that gave her hope and the wrinkles that adorned the sides of his eyes seemed really sweet. "Munchkin," he called her by her pet name and walked toward her bed. "I hope you are doing well," When she nodded he continued, "Are you sure you aren't in any pain? Want me to get you something? Does your stomach hurt? How about your legs? I got this new tea from England, and it is said to help-"

Yeah, him being a worrywart was another thing she remembered. But even so, she couldn't help but appreciate his worries.

"Thank you, James," She cut him off, "I'm alright, I just want this day to finish." When she shared her thoughts, his smile crumpled and his real worries were shown.

"I know my dear, everything is going to be alright." He patted her on the head, and she felt like a kid again. "Your dad, Elliot, and I are going to take care of everything." She felt weird that no one was worrying about Elliot. But then she understood that Elliot was more than capable of holding himself on his on.

She had moved from her bed to the window to look outside as James was reporting to her dad about the situation. Everything was ready, and everyone was in their position to defend if needed. But her heart kept telling her that something was missing.

This all didn't seem to be enough. It all felt like the calm before the storm.

After reporting everything to her dad, James wanted to have a private conversation with him and they decided to move into a more quiet place and let Diana have her rest. When she saw James move away, she quickly stopped him, startling him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She glanced at her dad, who was giving her a weird look.

James smiled gently and held the hand that was holding onto his jacket. "I promise I will save some time for later," when she was about to blurt out that there was no time to waste, he already followed her dad out.

She could only let out a sigh and fall onto the chair, ignoring her mom's curious look.

She needed to do something.

Time had moved both fast and slow at the same time for different people. When it reached eight o'clock, Diana stretched her muscles out as she finished another book, feeling her eyes burning from staring at words on both of the computer and physical paper. She couldn't find anything to help her situation.

The library was dark, but there were still two bodyguards by the door. The clock showed the time and Diana started to get anxious again. She had thought of going to the library to try to find something about her cycle, to maybe find a clue about anything to help her. The library was enormous and had — what it seemed to Diana — an infinite number of resources.

Yet none of the books she read helped her in anything.

Some books told her about life after death, and some told her about the coin. But none went into details, and it was all just theories.

She was deep in her thoughts when someone barged into the library. "Miss, Miss!" The bodyguard called, panting like crazy. "Miss, come with us." She frowned and stood from her seat. The two men that were standing beside the door exchanged a look and blocked the man that had just walked in.

"Identify yourself and reason," One of them said, holding his gun out. Diana felt something was wrong.

Why would the man run to her right away rather than her parents?

And where were her parents?

The man who had barged in didn't even look at the two bodyguards and was just staring at her as if he was possessed. He tried walking a step closer, but the gun that was pointing at him, nudged into him to make him step back to his place. "Don't move and identify yourself!" The bodyguard shouted his orders once again before giving a glance to his friend.

The other man nodded his head and walked toward her. "Miss, let's leave this place," He tried leading her away from the scene, sensing that something was wrong too.

"Don't go!" The weird man shouted and slapped the gun away suddenly. It all happened quickly as the gun that was pointing at him was in his hands this time and he shot the bodyguard that was shouting at him.

Diana's heart froze.

She heard a couple of curses from the escort beside her, and he pushed her between two bookcases and got his gun out, shooting at the odd man. To her dismay, it was dodged skillfully, and the bullet had gone through a table. The mysterious man hid from their eyes.

Diana almost slapped herself out of her frozen zone and looked around for an escape. Her family must have heard the gun going off by now. She found it weird how such a man could just walk in and try to hurt her, for whatever reason that was.

She remembered how empty his eyes were and felt anger erupting inside of her.

Not again.

She secretly started going between the bookcases, both glad and annoyed how big the library was. She could hide everywhere, but because she couldn't see that crazy man, it made her very cautious. She heard the sound of the gun again.

"Show yourself!" She heard her bodyguard shout before he shot again as she reached a few aisles away from the back door. The back door took her to the staircase that led downstairs. If she could reach there, she would be able to run to the living room.

She wanted to slip past another bookcase when she felt a sudden pain in her scalp and her vision turned upside down as she was pushed down on the ground. She was about to scream when a hand came down on her mouth, blocking away the noise while holding a gun onto her head.

This wasn't the same guy.

She knew that from his different outfit. He was wearing a black suit, and a mask was covering half of his face.

She still fought and groaned loudly to get her bodyguard's attention. She tried kicking the man off her, but he held her tightly. She felt for her gun that was hidden inside the pockets of her jeans, that she had changed into. It was given to her by James when he had reminded her to be careful. From her position, she couldn't get it out and had to use her nails to dig deep into the man face until he had given her enough space to push into him and hit his groin.

He had clearly had the gun pointed at her but never took actions to shoot her. She took the chance while he was in pain to get her gun out and with shaky hands pointed it at him, knowing that she had already removed the safety lock.

The trigger felt cold and hard against her finger. She knew that her posture and shaky hands wouldn't help as she had clear memory in her head of her dad teaching her how to use one.

With only a moment of hesitation, she pulled the trigger and felt the pressure pushing her backward till her back hit the wall. The man that was laying on the ground held his ear and rolled on the ground.

The guard that was standing on the opposite aisle now, took his gun and finished the job she couldn't do. She could only watch as the man in front of her slowly stopped moving.

The bodyguard mouthed, 'GO' to her and hid carefully behind a table. That was all she needed to start running toward the door. She still heard him shouting at the man for her sake, so he could distract the target from knowing where she was and giving her a chance to escape.

Another gunshot went off just right when she was reaching the door. The bodyguard that was shouting suddenly had gone silent, and all she could do was silently pray he was alright.

She quickly opened the door and was about to step outside when she saw a gun facing her.

"That took you long,"
