
Our baby...

Jayne glanced at her watch since Ronnie hadn't arrived yet, "What's taking Ron so long? Why isn't he here?" She wondered.

Just then her office phone range.

Tring! Tring! Tring!

"Hello Madam. Sir's driver would want to talk to you." It was a call from the reception downstairs.

"Yes" Jayne's voice sounded from the other end.

"Good evening Madam! Sir has arrived. But he's meeting with a friend at the cafeteria located  opposite to the company."

Jayne replied with an, "Oh okay! We'll wait."

"Understood Madam!" the driver said and hung up.

Jayne had completed all her work for the day. She didn't have anything to do which required her immediate attention. So, she was bored at work. Almost all the employees including Ms Shirley Symonds had left for the day.

She got up from her seat and sat on the couch to relax. On the table was a magazine with a picture of a very cute kid.

Jayne's heart softened. She unconsciously touched her belly, 'How would it be to have our baby! I know, it isn't the right time, but then both our parents are craving for their grandchildren. Should we think of having a baby?'

Suddenly Jayne's mind went blank. She thought of all the possible times Ronnie and she made love to each other…. Without her knowledge, even a blush crept up her face thinking of it…

But the actual point was, 'We've never once used protection nor have I taken any contraceptive pills. How is it that I haven't got pregnant yet?' Jayne wondered.

'For the number of times, we've made out, I must actually be pregnant by now. But my period went by when Ronnie had gone on his official visit to India.'

'Does that mean we've to get ourselves checked?' Jayne suddenly became worried.

'There must be something wrong with this… I should make sure to discuss this with Ron tonight.' She began thinking too much on this...


Sanvi had just then come back home after work. She was so tired that she removed her footwear and directly fell on the couch. She was totally drained out and could hardly lift a finger.

After a long time, she went and opened her cupboard to change and freshen up. At that time, a pack of sanitary napkins fell down as she opened the cupboard. Sanvi picked it up with a frown. She instantly remembered something.

"Gosh! I missed my period!"

She felt the colour draining out of her face. With one hand on her head and the other on her hips, she felt weak in her knees and dropped down to the floor with a 'plop!'

"That day.. that day.. we didn't even use any precaution…. Is it possible...is it possible that I've conceived????" She began counting on her fingers, "My last period was on 18th.. we made out on the night of 31st.. almost the 1st of January.. which means I was ovulating exactly on that day!!!!" She felt like her head was spinning with this information.

'What on earth am I going to do now? How will I explain this to everyone? Especially to Virat? Especially now that Maya has re-appeared from nowhere, Virat is totally set on getting Maya. This is totally the wrong time for the arrival of this baby. What do I do?'

'Worst of all, if dad gets to know of this, he's going to kill me and call me back to India.'

Sanvi was scared out of her wits. She couldn't bring herself to think of the other option of getting the baby aborted… 'No! It's my baby… No.. our baby…'

"Okay before anything else, I should get it checked with a gynaecologist first. Only after it's confirmed, I'll think about what I should be doing further… It is also possible that my periods must be late.. I guess I'm jumping into conclusions based on just one fact that I missed my period. Otherwise, I've no other symptoms of pregnancy, it could be possible that I'm fretting for nothing!" Sanvi tried to console herself…

Hey lovelies ❤❤❤

Okay since many of you were curious about the baby... :D :P

Thank you so much for reading.. your support is my strength...

~ much much love!!

PisceanDreamcreators' thoughts