
Royal Family of Elixia

Joseph broke the teleportation crystal, while holding Seven's hand. Both of them felt, each of their body part twisting. It did not pain, but also did not feel good. It barely took few seconds to arrive, but both of them felt uneasiness. Joseph managed to hold his vomit, but stumbled a few steps, Seven was unable to hold on and vomited.

After a while, they started looking around and found out that they were in an alley. It was thin, dark and empty. Curamare was summoned back, due to his willingness to be with Seven. Each of them can see the main road after some distance. Both of them started walking towards the main road.

It's beautiful. Exceptionally beautiful. Large beasts can be seen flying. People walking happily,

Children playing cheerfully. Carts could be seen which used Humped Horses.

These horses are 2 meters tall, they carry humps on their back, same as of camel. These humps store fats in them, therefore they can be used for long distance travelling. When they turn adult they reaches Warrior rank at most. These Humped Horses have an exceptional amount of strength but is gained by sacrificing speed.

Shops aligned in rows, selling basic commodities. Everything planned, resulting in no lack of space and thus making it beautiful. As compared to this place which seems like a marketplace, Alaria Empire area organization seems like a child's play.

Joseph and Seven both looked towards each other, both were startled by how beautiful and cheerful this place is. But now an important question arose in both of their minds simultaneously.

"What now?"

While they were thinking of an answer, they saw a platoon of soldiers carrying a big banner.

"JOIN ARMY, no race requirement, no nationality requirement.

Only STRENGTH matters."

Joseph thought if he can join the army then he can participate in wars, experience blood, and would also gain a place to stay with his brother Seven, there is also Curamare he need to take care of.

Joseph had once read a few words in the library which shook his soul. He remembered those words and keep them in his heart always.

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."

Joseph said his decision of joining the army in Seven. Seven gladly obliged after listening to his brother's reasoning.

Joseph went to the Captain and told him his willingness to join the army.

The Captain saw a Young man with delicate features, exceptionally beautiful. Beside him stood a Child of probably 5-6 years. Both these seems brother as they had Blood Red hair and frost colored eyes with fair and delicate skin. Behind them stood, at 2 meters tall, a hulking man with bulging muscles. His skin, brown, a ferociousness can be seen in his eyes. He seems like their bodyguard as he stood with simple plain clothes unmoving.

Captain stood there, terrified when he looked at the eyes of Curamare. He could not move himself, his whole body froze just by looking at those eyes. Just what is he.

Suddenly an old man came, he looked as he came out of thin air, he put his slightly wrinkled hand on the Captain's shoulder and took him out of a daze.


Old Man's Point of View

Ten Thousand year old, Spirit tea really tastes the best, It is completely refreshing mind and vitalizes body. It sucks that I can get it only in limited amounts, and thus I can afford to drink it only five times a month.

Being a City Lord is really boring. I don't have anything to do and nothing interesting happens in the city recently, therefore, has to deal with all the sh*ts here, signing papers all day.

Such terrifying presence, at least Grandmaster Rank. I hope he is not here for trouble, as no one can stop him here. I am only at Masters peak.

His aura feels like a monster, but yet human its contrasting. Well, something interesting after quite a while, let's go check it out.

Oho, Captain is caught in a daze. First, I need to help him out.

So, this hulking guy is releasing this presence. But the real monster is the Young Man. Such a terrifying monster at a young age. And this small child must be his brother, they both look kind of same.


(Back to story)

"Th.. Th.. Thank you city lord", said the terrified Captain is looking at the old man who just saved him.

"No need to mention. I am Adolf Elixia, this city's City Lord. Who might you people be?", said the city lord not removing his focus from the group of three, even for a bit.

"I am Joseph Alaria, I am willing to join the army therefore I came to contact sir, Captain.", said Joseph gently with a smile, while making a mental note, that this old man here belong to the Royal Family and is this city's City Lord.

"Well Joseph, it would be really wonderful if individuals like you and the one behind can join the army. It would help us grow faster. As you must have noticed that the world's law have changed and now the limit of strength which an individual can obtain in Elipsis has changed to Warlord.", said Adolf is looking towards Joseph with a slight smile.

"Joseph, If someone of your caliber wants to join the army then he would have to head to the headquarters. I have a teleportation gate directly to the headquarters, would you mind coming with me.", Adolf said while appreciating him and showing some slight excitation in voice, as if he would send these individuals with the potential to become at least Legend Ranked, he would be rewarded greatly.

"I guess we would have to use it again.", said Joseph while looking at Seven and both smiling bitterly.

All three of them followed Adolf to the City Lord's building. This building is located at the center of the city, it also carried a barrier and has the ability to defend itself from the attacks of 4 Star Grandmaster. The building looked like an ancient mage tower. Circular in shape, gray colored.

The main gate was 10 meters long, red colored, filled with scratches. This gate gave the feeling that it has survived countless battles.

After Joseph and the family entered into the City Lord's building they were greeted by pretty ladies who works there, as a receptionist. They were greeted as one of the VVIP guests, as they are getting personally escorted by the City Lord himself.

City Lord escorted them to the third floor where the teleportation gate is located. The teleportation gate was elliptical in shape, the pointed ends located at the horizontal ends. Made from Jet-Black stone.

Adolf gave orders to the operators, and the teleportation gate was opened to the headquarters.

The so called headquarters is the main city of Elixia. The royal family lives here. This city is known as Elixias.

Joseph, Seven and Curamare, went inside of the teleportation gate with Adolf to the city where the Royal family lives, Elixias.

well today's christmas, so partied with my family today.


tomorrow I will party with my friends.


therefore there is a large chance that I would be only able to post 1 chapter tomorrow. As I dont save chapter and directly post them after slight editing.


after these two days, I will be easily able to post 2 chapter and minimum of 2k words. And I promise I will post 2 chapters at years end and will not make excuses.



Loose_T_Shirtcreators' thoughts