
A Question

After the dissaster and scandal, Elena was kept away in a tower for 2 months and Robin was kept in a spirit tree for 3 and a half months but, Elena was a curious fairy and asked a question to his father about why can't fairies love a elves and her father's expression turned to a worried look and told her a tale " A long time ago when the first fairies and elves existed, everything and everyone was at peace, the royal families were concuring areas together and they were unstopabble. Until one day they won a great battle against ogers and claimed the largest area, the royals at that time were greedy, and they decided not to work together anymore, and the planet was split in half with fairies in the west and elves in the east, since then the last remaining hybrid between faires and elves were gone, and it was then concidered to be an unspeakable sacandal.''
