
The Raid (1)

Regaleon and I were in the twin's room playing with them. I have told him about my dream with the Almighty One and what he said about these creatures.

"We need to deal with them as soon as possible, Leon." I told him. "These creatures are not like the sirens and Lycans. The Almighty One said that these creatures have no conscience, that they are a danger to people."

"As can see what you mean, Lili." Regaleon replied. "These creatures have the taste for meat, and not just only meat. They crave for human flesh as well."

The wyverns here in Tarmac were said to prey on livestock and humans as well. They seem to be like any carnivorous animal, but hunting humans pose a much bigger threat to people living near their lair. But the wargs we encountered were kind of different. They were coordinated and looked like they followed orders from someone.
