
She is the Chosen One (2)

The guards around didn't know what to do. The queen ordered for the princess to be killed while the crown prince ordered to not to.

"What are you waiting for?! I am your queen." Queen Patricia looked at her men in rage. "Do as I say!"

The guards with bows readied their weapon and aimed their arrows on Alicia.

"NO!" Gladiolus let go of his mother and tried to stop the guards from shooting. His face was full of fear.

But Gladiolus was too late. The arrow flew into the night sky and was heading to Alicia. He held his breath preparing for the worst but then the arrows disintegrated when it touched the force field around Alicia. Gladiolus' face eased up some tension and he released a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing mother?!" Gladiolus turned around and looked at his mother. He cannot hide the anger on his face.

"She… she will steal everything that should be yours. She must die!" Queen Patricia yelled.
