
The High Priest of Jennova

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??!!" Queen Patricia's voice echoed inside the royal office.

The three people that last entered the hidden section of the library were seen on the floor kneeling in front of the queen with their heads bowed down and hitting the floor.

"P-Please spare us your majesty." One of the men said with a quivering voice.

"W-We didn't know what happened." The other man said with fear in his voice. "W-We left there without any incidents happening."

"Then how can you explain how and why the fire started?!" The queen asked furiously. "It is said in the investigation that the fire started on that section of the building!"

"W-We are not sure your majesty." The woman said with a shaking voice. "M-Maybe someone started the fire." She wanted to make an excuse and divert the queen's anger and escape punishment.
