
One Ring to Store It All

It's been a year and a half, I'm three now. Yup, finally able to walk around without anyone getting suspicious. I've grown to the size of a normal child, and I can speak without consequence. My horns have started growing out, scaring Mom at first. I've been told I'm a precocious little brat by Dad, who has been sticking close ever since The Incident. Mom never really understood what happened, but Dad knew. See, apparently, forcing more Aura into a body can cause undesirable side effects. Or desirable, if you are into that kind of thing. Anyway, excess vitality leads to sex, who would have guessed.

My birthdays weren't nearly as eventful as my first. I'm chalking it up to my mother disallowing me from leaving. In return, she had to promise me she wouldn't be as excessive with my decorations. The presents were mostly just trinkets, a comb here, a toy there. They were fulfilling in their own way.

More importantly, I got a message from the God through [The Archive], which has this ability I never knew about. My ring is coming, soon. I think he should have figured out what its function is by now, if he didn't really buy my excuse. It's a massive storage of materials and ores. It contains huge amounts of fantasy metals and mythical beast parts. I'm certain if he did figure it out, most of the metals should be gone. I'm getting fired up just thinking about forging again.

Speaking of which, the Dwarves have almost completed their Legacy Works. I've stopped by the blacksmith area of the Palace, just to see them work. Of course, I also secretly infused some Aura into their bodies. I nearly knocked myself out, but they should have recovered at least a decade of lifespan. I learned that if Dwarves are working, excess energy is used to increase their speed. It was impressive seeing how quick a Dwarf could possibly swing a hammer. Any faster and I think there would have been some afterimages.

Gildor saw me, and motioned to me to come in. When I stepped inside I felt the heat, it was so comfortable, I almost wanted to take a nap. With the influx of Aura, his grayed beard changed back to its fiery red color. He could be seen smiling underneath it, as if he'd regained his youth.

"What are you doing in a dirty place like this, Your Highness?" He said, genuinely curious.

"I like seeing the Dwarf uncles work. They seem so focused, unlike the Elves in the staff." I acted cute, hoping to stay a bit longer.

"Would you like to learn a bit of forging, then?"

"Yes, I would, please."

"Alrighty then, try and pick up that hammer there, if ya can't, I'll ya see in a few years."

Obviously, he pointed at a hammer made entirely out of adamantite. While I am stronger than an adult male Human, I'm not as strong as a Dwarf yet. Of course, I still tried for posterity's sake, and was unable to lift it. I know Gildor wasn't being malicious, you need great strength to handle some materials. He also wanted to teach me a bit of patience and restraint. I hurried out of there after that, pretending to pout.

That reminds me, I still have that adamantite chain net that was binding Specter and Spirit in my little pocket storage. I should bring that out for Gildor, only a Dwarf would be able to make such a net. Even if he doesn't know about it, he could make use of it for something else. Maybe some adamantite tools for excavation, I'm pretty sure that they could use that kind of stuff over in the Ruins.

Speaking of which, Mom still hasn't found the Fairy Crown. It must be buried deep beneath the surface, in a room that hasn't been discovered. I wish she'd give up on that, I don't need to rule this Kingdom. But what can I do, anything I say will be taken as nothing but a child's rambling. She needs to produce a more willing heir, I have decided that a crown will only bring me trouble. I could simply give her a large dose of Aura and see where it leads. Hmm, if it does end in conception, I have another subject for experimentation. Whoa, no way am I doing that to a fetus, what am I thinking? I think boredom is whittling away at my morality.

Rubbing my temples and then my eyes, I notice a new object on my finger, a ring. It's finally here, my dimensional ring: Alliaster. It has two bands that twist around, one silver and one gold, they are carved into dragons. The silver dragon has an emerald eye, while the gold dragon has a sapphire eye. Inside the bands, countless Runes are engraved, each one relating to either Time or Space. This is the culmination of my insights into both Space-Time and Runic Magics. It is also a testament to my skill in forging, making the materials of this ring strong enough to handle such a large amount of complex and almost indecipherable Runes. Anything stored in here cannot be aged nor can they rot or even cool. The amount of space for storage is equivalent to Mount Everest's height, with a diameter of 1,345,995 miles. Basically, I will never run out of space, unless I don't take anything out ever.

Well, let's see if there is still anything in here. "Open Sesame" The password, a simple phrase but one that no one else would know. What I saw was a wide open space, still containing vast quantities of ore and monster parts. I notice that all of the stuff that exists here were still here, but gone were the materials that exist outside this world. So he had found out, but was not nearly as mad as I would have guessed. I still have enough to make anything I want, maybe I can recreate my masterpiece. But first, I should do some sewing. I want to make a special bodysuit that can be used for training, and for that I need cloth. This golden wool I have in Alliaster will work, I have plenty of it. Maybe [The Archive] can tell me what this is.


<This is Wool from a Titan Sheep. It is incredibly durable, warm, and softer than you might think.>

Thank you for the weird description [Archive], I really could have found that out for myself. Anyways, I think this Titan Wool will be perfect, I'll start production immediately.

*One Hour Later*

Okay, sewing with these hands is much more difficult but luckily I have plenty of experience and I'm almost done. A couple more stitches and I can start the Rune application, I already have some in mind. I'm thinking Gravity, Weight, and Power. The Gravity Rune increases the force applied by gravity, Weight increases the heaviness of the item, and Power increases the strength of the other Runes. So many other Runes would make sense in this case, but I'm sticking with these three. This combination should put me under enough stress that my muscles change quality. I'm hoping that this will make my body stronger and more durable than a normal... Dragon. That statement sort of lost its impact thinking about it. But the theory still stands, this should transform my physique into one that can display both explosive power and incredible endurance.

Oh! I should add the Adapt Rune as well, as it will both readjust the suit to my size and increase the Power Rune's strength when I get used to the pressure. How could I be so foolish as to forget one of the most common Enchantment Runes! Luckily I caught it before I finished the bodysuit or else I would be so embarrassed.

*Another Hour Passes*

Ah, all done, with some material to spare. The Runes are all stable and working in unison, and it easily shrinks as I put it on. I added a Key Rune while I was at it, making me the only person capable of using it. That also functions as an power switch, so I can turn the other Runes on and off. I shall now call this suit "My Pyjamas" That's right they're my pyjamas, I'll be wearing them almost at all times, even when sleeping. They feel so warm, it's like they are the physical manifestation of the perfect hug. I just want to go to sleep right now. These will be well used, I can guarantee it.

Well, over the next few chapters, I'll be slowly aging Lugh up more and more. Of course, once he hits ten, I'm focusing on his first Tribulation. Were you expecting him to give the suit a fancy name? Tell me what you thought by leaving a comment. Feel free to give my story a rating.

As Always,

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