
Black Cat's Spotlight

Central Park, New York

Before Black Cat leap into action to help protect Spiderman's identity, I gave her several quick tips on how to deal with Kraven, used Spiderman as an example of what she should or shoudn't do in a fight (one such example is don't keep your guard down like Spiderman) and taught her to always study her surroundings or opponents before doing anything.

I told her to take the lead in distracting Kraven while I went to check on the others and once I am done, I will act as her backup.

While everyone is distracted by Black Cat sudden appearance, I quickly sneak my way towards Jewel and Powerman. Cutting both of them out of their restraints, I called out "Hey, guys! Wake up!" shaking both of their body.

Seeing no response, I decide to use a bit more force by slapping Powerman's cheeks "Wake up! Sleepy Head! Wake up". I wanted to slap Jewel's face too but I decided against it.

Spiderman groan while still lying on the ground paralyze "Nightwing? Are they okay?".

"Yup, they are okay. They are just heavily sedated" I answered back as I watch Black Cat leading Kraven away. I can see she is doing a good job by controlling the fight and distracting Kraven away. I grab Spiderman by his wrist and drag him towards Jewel and Powerman.

"You stay here and keep an eye on both of them. I need to check on Black Cat" I replied.

"Ya, count on me. I am stiff like a statue" Spiderman grumbled back as he can't move

Taking out a steroid syringe from my utility belt, I lifted Spiderman's mask slightly and inject it into his neck.

"Ouch! What is that?" Spiderman asked in pain.

"Something to help wear off the effect in your body, by making your blood pump faster. Make sure you don't make this mistake again" I said as I quickly run towards Black Cat direction.

"He caught me off guard and at least he didn't put me down for a cat nap too" Spiderman grumbled to himself.


Kraven avoided Black Cat's claws, as he laugh mockingly "You have to do better better, Sidekick. Kraven is not impressed" before delivering a punch towards Black Cat.

Blocking with her arms crossed in front of her, Black Cat jump backward to lessen the force of the blow and landed back on her feet. Black Cat complained "You talk to much, senior mustache".

"Kraven has not come to New York to hunt you, sidekick. Call your other friends to give Kraven a challenge" Kraven replied feeling slightly irritated as he pick up his spear.

Jameson shouted into the communicator "Catch that cat too, then we can show the whole world who they really are underneath the mask.

"Fine, stop shouting into Kraven's ear" Kraven replied back and throw several daggers towards Black Cat.

Avoiding the daggers, Black Cat lead Kraven further away from the others. Landing on top of the tree branch, she quipped "You missed again, Kraven and I am not impressed with your hunting skill"

Kraven growled in anger and quickly throw his spear towards Black Cat's head. Black Cat easily avoided the spear attack by leaning sideways causing the spear to continue flying further up into the air and crash into the helicopter nearly cutting the pilot's head off.


Nearly losing his life, the helicopter's pilot feeling terrified flew his helicopter further away from Central Park.

Jameson shouted at the pilot "What are you doing?".

"What do you think? I am putting some distance away from that lunatic as much as possible" the pilot argued back.

"Go down now! I just need to get down to pull off their mask off" Jameson argued back.

"I am but when I get back to base. Fire me if you want too but I got a family to think about!" the helicopter pilot argued back as he flew his helicopter away.

Jameson stared back down from the helicopter greatly disappointed and angry shouting "I am so close!".

While the helicopter is flying back, Jameson had a sudden idea, Jameson quickly dial his phone "Eddie, do you want to have a full time job in Daily Bugle".


Kraven quickly jump up the tree, and delivered a series of punches and kicks that Black Cat easily dodged and blocked. Kraven growled "Stay still, sidekick!".

Jumping backward using her gymnastic skills, Black Cat deliver a kick on Kraven's chin sending him falling down the tree, she teased "This sidekick is kicking your ass, asshole!" as she jump downward towards Kraven.

Kraven avoided her attack by rolling his body on the ground and quickly stand up "Impressive sidekick, what is your name? You deserve to be killed by Kraven" Kraven replied slightly impressed.

"You don't deserve to know my name, you 1980s porn star wannabe" Black Cat argued back as she notice me approaching from behind Kraven with me signalling her that everything has been settled.

Kraven growled "No worries! I will get your name from your other members".

I called out chuckling "I didn't know you watch porn, kitty. I wonder how you know how a 1980s porn star look like".

"No, I don't. I just know, okay!" Black Cat replied slightly flustered.

Noticing me, Kraven quickly turn toward me grinning in excitement saying "Finally the very person Kraven want to challenge, Kraven can't wait to kill you with Kraven own bare hands. Kraven has not been impressed with any of your friends, now make sure to give Kraven a good challenge".

"You are facing the wrong opponent, idiot!" I replied criticizing him.

Black Cat deeply angered, grab the back of his neck with her right hand and activated her electric claws while shouting "Why you keep trying to pissing me off!" electrocuting him for a very long time before kicking his balls.

Releasing Kraven, he fall down twitching in pain and unable to move. Black Cat shouted "Remember my name Kraven, you have been bested by me, sideki... Black Cat. Damn you! You made me confuse with all your sidekick bullshit!" as she kick his head and knock him out.

Black Cat looks very frustrated, I tried to calm her down "Errr... Good Job on your first mission, Black Cat. You did much better compare to the others, at least we could take the others failure as a lesson".

Sighing to herself, Black Cat replied "Thanks but my first opponent sucks! So what are we going to do to with him?".

"I will call the police officer, Captain George Stacy. Kraven has obstructed Jewel and Powerman duties to apprehend criminals and kidnap them. Hopefully he can put some charges against him" I replied while thinking to myself on how to deal with Jameson.

The only problem is JJ Jameson, he didn't personally get involve with the incident but I think Captain George is able to think of something.

Black Cat complained "The whole Sidekick Shenanigan really pissed me off" as I laughed at her frustrations.


The next day, Midtown High

There is large commotion as Flash can be soon arguing with his friends about Kraven's show.

"Hey, Spiderman just got careless. He can knock Kraven out with only his pinky if he want too" Flash argued as they are watching the video clip. Peter in one corner of the classroom nodding his head with MJ keep on glancing at Peter in concern. Ned is too busy thinking about Stark Expo to even bother about what is happening in classroom.

One of the girls in the class argued "Since Kraven is caught by Black Cat does that means that she is better than Spiderman, Jewel and Powerman?" causing Felicia to smirk slightly as she listen in to their argument.

"No! Spiderman can kill Kraven with one punch, that is why he has to pull his punches. Imagine if he does not control his strength, New York City will be littered with dead bodies of criminals" Flash argued back with Peter look at Flash in awe and surprise.

One of Flash's friend laugh saying "He didn't even throw a punch at Kraven and he got taken down easily" causing the students to laugh.

"Your favorite Powerman got easily taken out too, he didn't even last a second against Kraven. Kraven didn't know much about the Black Cat, that is why he lose the fight to the sidekick" Flash argued protecting his favorite hero before shouting "Ouch!"as a piece of eraser hit the back of his head.

"Who threw that" Flash shouted in anger as everyone look around the classroom curiously with Felicia looking around innocently.

As Felicia walk toward me, she asked me curiously "Did you watch the fight too?"

"Yup, Black Cat did a good job. I told you that she is my favorite" I replied casually before continuing "Just hope that the victory does not go to her head, she has great potential but she need to be careful will all her opponents".

"She won't" Felicia replied gleefully.

As I took out my books, I said "Hmm.... I am not sure why you say she won't but now what she need to do is keep trying to improving herself".

Felicia looked at me curiously saying "Do you think she is a sidekick too like all the others?".

"No I don't. Super power is not what makes a hero, it is how they use their skills that make them special. All vigilantes need training before going gung-ho and endangering everyone" I replied as check my notes.

"Why you think so highly of her, Harry. You have not even meet her" Felicia continued asking with concern as I could hear her heartbeat started pounding faster.

"I don't know" I replied before looking at Felicia's eyes and continued "maybe she kinda remind me of you" causing her heart to skip a beat before I look back at my notes.

"Harry" Felicia called me softly while blushing slightly.

"Hmm... what is it" I replied.

"Do you want to go out on a date with me? Just the two of us!" Felicia asked slightly stuttering while blushing and her heart beating very fast.

Smiling at her, I replied "Sure. I have always wanted to ask you out for a date too"

Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and the story

Sorry for the delay. internet at my home not working...This chapter is for yesterday.... Writing todays chapter now

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts