
Monster House

Luke rushed into the Oscorp Industries building after hearing the explosion ready to return to the fight. As the dust and smoke disperse, he can hear sounds from one corner of the lobby. Looking towards the source of the sound, he saw Nightwing and Spiderman was alright but they are in an awkward position. He saw both Nightwing lying flat on his back with Spiderman's head in between Nightwing's thigh as if he was 'Polishing The Pole'.

Chuckling to himself he called in a teasing mood "Get a room guys!" before he looking started looking around for Green Goblin presence.

Nightwing stood back up shouting back to Luke "Get your head out of your ass!".


As we quickly went to check the elevator there is a huge hole in the floor of the elevator. "He is heading downward. We must catch up to him before he escape" I said as we quickly headed down into hole.

Heading down we saw a huge hole with the metal wall being peeled back, revealing a secret underground laboratory. In the middle of laboratory, Green Goblin stood on top of a large glider floating in the air giving us the most wicked smile with three containment chamber with humanoid test subject in them. "All of you just come in time!" as Green Goblin pressing a button releasing the test subjects. "I need them to accompany all of you for awhile, as I deal with a fat birdy that betrayed me! Don't worry I will be back soon!" as he suddenly flew towards a large tunnel at the under end of the laboratory with me quickly throwing a tracer on the glider.

"Spiderman chase him! Don't let him get away! He is going to Kingpin! Inform the others! Once we handle thing here, we will catch up!" I shouted to Spiderman with him quickly chasing after Green Goblin.

"Lets get this over with" Luke determinedly said.

Looking over at our opponents, I don't recognize any of the villains that we are facing since they look more like monster compared to human. First look like a humanoid bear 'Bear' as large and muscular like the villain 'Rhino' with brown fur all over its body, sharp claws and teeth. Second is a humanoid tiger 'Tiger' that is smaller in build compare to Bear with sharp claws and teeth but there are flames dancing around its body. The third is a humanoid cheetah 'Cheetah' a leaner body structure with spark of electricity running across all over its body..

"You deal with the bear, I will deal with the other two. Don't let them escape the building!" I told Luke as the monsters roared and run towards us.

Luke nodded his head as he rushed and tackled the Bear's chest sending both of them crashing into the wall of the laboratory as the other two monsters lunged towards me. The Cheetah was the first to reach me with his left hand stretch out toward my face. Ducking under his arm, I used his momentum against him as I delivered cross counter punch with my own left hand powered by venom blast directly towards his head. Cheetah is send flying backward as he smashed into the containment chambers and destroying it due to the impact.

The Tiger growled in anger as he lunged forward with a powerful attack with both of his hands which i avoided by jumping backward as the strike made a small crater. Before he could react, I quickly jumped back towards The Tiger and delivered a spinning right kick toward the Tiger's head. The Tiger staggered backward in pain as he growled in anger.

The Cheetah struggled to stand back up but keep falling down to the floor, seeing this the Tiger approached the Cheetah and in a irritated voice growled "Mindless Weakling!" as he used his right claw piercing Cheetah's chest. Killing Cheetah, Tiger pulled out his hand and looked towards me saying "You will die in my hand too! No one can stop me ever again!".

"Come on you oversized cat let's end this! I have a previous appointment that I have to deal with so stop wasting my time!" I said as I urged the Tiger to fight faster with my right hand. Luke was having a brawling match with the Bear in the corner of the laboratory as competed to see who is stronger with the Bear having the advantage of strength while Luke is faster.

The Tiger hearing my taunt snarled in anger as he started swinging his claws in animal like behaviour. I dodged the strikes by ducking and stepping sideways, irritating Tiger as he growled "Stay still you rat!".

"Why should I? Pussycat too slow and old to catch me!" I said before harshly kicking Tiger's stomach with a right kick causing him to struggle to catch his breath as he stumbled backward.

I quickly threw some explosive pellets into Tiger's mouth before delivering an uppercut to shut his mouth and sending him falling backward. 'Boom!' as the sound of explosion can be heard in Tiger's mouth, Tiger fall back unconscious due to the damages as i web him up against the floor.

Quickly I walked towards the computer terminal in the laboratory and attached a cable from my utility belt "Oracle, quickly download all the experiment results and the serum research that Norman Osborn has created" I said as I took few several vial of the serum which i deem important.

"Nightwing, I am done" said Oracle few seconds later. Seeing Luke still battling the Bear, I decided to help him out by rushing from behind and tackling the Bear from behind with Luke punching him in the head.

"What took you so long?" Luke complained in annoyance as he dodge the Bear's claw that slightly grazed his arm. "Ouch that hurt! You will pay for that!".

Jumping on the Bear's back, I delivered a powerful blast of venom blast at the nape of his neck "Was investigating on whether i miss out on anything" as the Bear howled in pain before fainting. Webbing the Bear up like a cocoon I looked at Luke "You secure the evidence and safety of everyone around the building before meeting us at Kingpin, since I am faster I will catch up with Green Goblin and help out with the other first!".

Luke nodded his head "Hurry go, I will get there as soon as I can".

I quickly exit the building "Oracle, is the tracer working? Use the city's camera to track Green Goblin just in case" as I jumped onto my Nightcycle.

"Yes it is working! He is heading towards Kingpin's building with Spiderman on his trail. They will reach the building in 5 minutes" Oracle replied. "Good, keep track on them!" I answered as I send my Nightcycle roaring towards the scene of battle.


Spiderman is swinging in the air firing his web lines to catch up with Green Goblin as passerby stared in shock at the scene of the chase. Some of the people drew out their cameras and smartphones to take photos and videos of the strange sight.

A dark green monster wearing rags of his clothing flying in the air on top of a large glider as he laughed maniacally. Noticing Spiderman, Green Goblin throw several fireball to slow him down laughing "I will surely find you later since your body belongs me, so stop trying to interrupt my plan".

Hearing this send shivers all over Spiderman's body as he replied "Sorry, I don't swing that way and you are not my type" as one of the fireball exploded nearby sending him flying due to blast impact before Spiderman continued his chase.

As Green Goblin arrived at Kingpin's building there is a police blockade surrounded the building with a huge gun fight happening between the polices and the criminals . Seeing this Green Goblin chuckled to himself before creating two large fireball in each of hands before throwing it towards the building front door creating a huge explosion destroying it and sending huge debris flying dangerously all over the place.

Just as the police was thinking that the new arrival was friendly, Green Goblin started throwing fireballs towards them too before entering the building. "Sir, what should we do! The monster might kill someone if this continues. Should we call for The Defender's to come back down to back us up?" shouted one of the police officer towards Chief Pratchett.

Chief Pratchett turned his head towards his subordinate and he is in dilemma, he is hoping the Defender is able capture Kingpin soon so that the gun fight will end soon and in the other hand the sudden appearance of the green monster will endanger the life of the police officers since the monster start attacking anyone that is in close proximity to it. If he don't make the correct choice the police officers will suffer more injuries and they might end up facing loss of life.

Just as Chief Pratchett had to make a difficult decision to ensure the safety of his officers, Spiderman came swinging in and landed beside him. Spiderman sudden appearance surprised the police officers "What the..." shouted one of the policeman before Chief Pratchett interrupted him "Spiderman you just came in time!".

Looking at the surrounding and seeing the huge destruction Spiderman asked "What happen? and did you see a green monster coming in this direction?".

"When we tried to apprehend Kingpin he ordered all his members to retaliate and fight back with lethal force. The other Defenders with some police officers are upstairs inside the building trying to capture Kingpin to end all this craziness but there are to many of them" Chief Pratchett replied before continuing "As for the green monster, he went inside the building and he started attacking everyone in sight. Who is that crazy maniac?"

Spiderman replied "He is Norman Osborn but now he is called Green Goblin! Don't worry I will deal with him and end all this madness once and for all!"

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

I am back guys... sorry for the inconvenience and delay.. my laptop died on me. had to send it for service. Either way it is good to be back... but sad most of my things are gone. so sad

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts