
Numerous Events


Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, stood in the command center of the Triskelion overseeing all the missions the agent of SHIELD are dealing with around the world. Agent Maria Hill carrying a file then approached Fury. "Sir, agent Coulson and Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow ready and waiting in the mission briefing room." as she passed the file to Fury.

"Thank you Agent Maria." Fury said as he left the control room and headed for mission briefing room. When he arrived he saw a man and a woman standing up as he came into the the room, at

which he signal them to sit back down.

"Sir, you called us here for a mission?" asked Agent Coulson.

"Yes it is a long term mission, you will be investigating a certain individual" Fury replied.

"Who it is?" Agent Natasha asked in interest.

Fury tossed the file onto the conference table and allowing both Agent Coulson and Natasha to read through the file. Agent Natasha looking back towards Fury complaining "There is nothing much in here!".

"Yes, there is nothing much on him because he is very difficult to track him since he always change his routes" Fury replied "Evaluate whether he is suitable to enter the Avenger Initiative"

Agent Coulson and Natasha looked back through the file with the picture of Nightwing.


Oracle has informed me that Black Cat is waiting at the rooftop.

Reaching the location and I saw Black Cat standing on one corner of the rooftop looking into the distances deep in her own thoughts. Startling her with my presence I called "Hey Kitty Cat! You were waiting for me?"

"Ya, I need someone to talk too" Black Cat looked at me before she turn back continued looking into the distance.

"So what is in your mind?" I said as I walk towards her and stand by her side.

Black Cat stood in silence for awhile organizing her thoughts before replying "Recently all my friends' life was endangered and for the first time I risked my life to help protect them but nearly ended up nearly killing myself". "Do you remember the guy i was talking about?"

I nodded my head listening as Black Cat continued her train of thought "He is willing to risk his life to safe me.... and the others without trying to get credit for what he have done. He is like a very beautiful sparkly untainted diamond that I am afraid to touch".

"So you are saying you love him?" I asked.

Black Cat quickly flustered replied "No! He just became slightly more interesting but that is not what I am trying to say! I want to be a person that he can be proud of when i stand by his side and I want to be able to protect him. No! What I mean is that I need your help me to become a better person and to train me to use my skills to help people".

Looking at Black Cat, I answered "I can help give you training and equipment but you will need to prove yourself and built my trust in you slowly. Other than that, you must undergo my strict training first before i allow you to do any hero activities if that is what you mean".

Black Cat excitedly answered "Yes that is what i want for now, so when do we begin!".

"Whoa! Slow down! First i need to get prepare. I will call you on this untraceable phone call WingWave once i have done my preparation" I replied. "By the way, why is he so important to you that you need so much to win his approval?"

Black Cat wondered to herself before replying "I am not sure yet, I am still figuring out myself. So far I know he is important to me but once I know I will let you know" before she jump of the roof.


X-Mansion, Danger Room

Charles Xavier is in the observation room looking down into the Danger Room where the X-Men usually do their training. Since Logan lose his fight to Nightwing, he has been spending every night training in the Danger Room simulation. After Logan saw the recording of Nightwing and Ironman fighting Ironmonger on the News Channel, his training intensity when into a whole new level.

Charles Xavier have been wondering when will NightWing will contact or visit them. Since Jean had informed the other mutants about Nightwing, there have been a lot of break in attempts made by the mutants in mansion to steal the Wing Wave from Charles's office with Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat the closes to succeed since she can phase through wall. After numerous warnings and threats, the students finally stop trying to get hold of the Wing Wave.

Charles hoped that Nightwing will come sooner, the thought of not understanding Nightwing's power and inability to read Nightwing's mind made him worried for the safety of the mutants in the X-mansion.


Norman Osborn Secret Lab

Norman is very pleased with the result of the experiment of Mac Gargan aka The Scorpion the former detective since the result can help further improve his serum research. Coming out of containment unit housing Marc Gargan is a monstrous creature with an acid green complexion that slightly disgust Norman. The Scorpion the natural predator of spider has a combination of incredible strength and an acidic compound that came out from his tail. The only problem is that the treatment slightly affects Gargan's mind causing him insane as the predatory instincts of the scorpion take over.

Norman hope that with Scorpion, Spiderman will be easily caught but just in case, Normon has also awaken Aleksei Sytsevich aka Rhino from his containment unit too. The experiment has provides Rhino with superhuman strength, heightened levels of speed and stamina and a high degree of durability. Rhino's enhanced musculature is much more efficient than that of a normal human and generates considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity. At his peak, he can exert himself physically for up to 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood starts to impair him.

The existence of Ironman has negatively harm his company Oscorp Industries where the military is planning to pull out from financing the company's research of the super soldier serum unless Oscorp Industries delivers. Since Oz Serum has already bring in promising results in helping to create Scorpion and Rhino, even with the risk of mental instability Norman concluded that the serum will be able to boost his intelligence to easily complete his master piece first. Once Spiderman is captured he will further perfect his serum and cure himself.


Sewer underneath New York

Scorpion could not think clearly, no matter how hard he tried. His thoughts were jumbled, filled with fear, anger, and most of the time hunger. Even though Norman Osborn has feed him with foods, it still can't seem ease his hunger. Unable to control himself due to the overwhelming hunger, he accidentally killed one of Norman Osborn's researcher and feasted on the corpse which help ease his hunger for awhile.

Easing his hunger allowed Scorpion to be able to think clearly which in turn caused him to fled into the sewers due to the horror that he had eaten a human being. Scorpion as Mac Gargan was never an good person, he was a corrupt cop under Kingpin and he had murdered a lot of Kingpin's competitors. Since Kingpin promised millions of dollar for a treatment that would make him stronger and faster than any normal human being he decided to accept without a second thought. As the result of his greed, he has been turned into monster that murders and eat human beings.

Scorpion decided to hide in the sewer and control his hunger, but soon his hunger overpowered him. He could smell all the fleshes of human right above him, knowing there are hundreds of unsuspecting food to feast to fulfill his hunger. Before Scorpion loses control, he decided that he need to capture Spiderman so that Kingpin and Norman can turn him back. Finally he snapped, the only thing he could think of is.....EAT!!!....... HUNGER!!!!!

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

Sorry guys, was in an important meeting

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts