

When they see the king, she also fatty, but they understand it, here everyone is fatty this is reason, they call other slim mermaid a low one, but they all control their laughing, they all know that, if they to insult we will be in danger.

James come and bow and show gratitude to king and said, hello madam, you getting more beautiful, when we last met, you look like a beautiful sea queens

Ima and other control their laugher, because, that was lie, that James spoken to her, but they are still laughing

King said, why you laughing behind him, if you say anything, just say it. Why you hiding your face? You should say something


James said, they are new in this world, they don't know nothing about here, but I came here for request, please accept our request

Please tell us, what is your request? I want that shell that carry that sword part, my madam said, you own a help, we want that, if you give that shell to us.

Kind said, sorry James, we can't give it to you, because of our ancestor not order us to give it anyone, even they don't trust us, they give that part to a creature who live there since, that time

James ask, you don't know. Where is it? Last time we visits, they told me, the other part was here, but I never expect this king

King reply, I know but this is truth, but you can get that part by yourself, that part was under the very dangerous creature live below the sea, gigantic sea crocodile. My ancestor give that part to him for protection, we are not enough strong to take it, if you have any guts you can try, but I warn you, you will die, as far as I knew, they are now more in number.

Mercury said, you are not enough power to get near that part of sword, you also weak against them.

Yes! They trust more than that creature, my ancestor always believe that creature, you can say that, they are god to us, if you want that part of sword, you should talk to them.

Ima said, we need to meet him and talk to him, but as you said, they are really dangerous, more than you do,

King said, look up, you can see him now, if you see it

Soon, the whole room, was completely dark, someone pass above the city, that completely darken the place, this is really big for them, even megalodon is very small in front of them, that make them really scared.

James and other look at sky and thinking, how will they get that part?

In the mikatsu family, adventure still in the Hitesh, mikatsu father, take this time, they lost against the, the person, who is stronger than him, he also teaching his brother, that he promise

Mikatsu was worried when he lost battle against them, this is really shocking for them, and varu just came and met and beat him.

Mikastu father friend said, he really have that part, that they use it and slice your sword, just tell me

Yes! He have that part, he really use against me, I also never thought that, we will soon witness of that part.

Mikatsu said, father you okay! They really don't hurt you, if they do, please tell us, we will take you to hospital.

Around him, soldiers were shocked, when they see our king lost, but they also know that, they will be seen the power, which they just heard from their parents.

Jenny was still in that place and exercise, when she feel like completely healed, they just waiting for them to understand it.

Sid watching them from his room, and Laila came and said to him, you dead friend is exercising outside, go and support them, or you will be die like that,

Sid reply, you should do you work, don't mind your business on my room, otherwise, I will show you your place

Laila said, fine go and see it, but if you love too much, you will be hurt, you will not be live freely, you just depress about it, you should know about it.

Sid shout get out from my room, but the darkest day is coming, the dark lord academy is ready for the war against them, they never imagine about it, they just thought of taking away that girl, but king salmon really think that way.

Doctor said, we have to keep an eye on them, they really think that, they will catch me, if they do, I will kill them, but we all know they will never win

Black witch said, I am worried about him, if they really gone like that, this is really something matter for us, we also not an good condition right now, if this happen, the balance also gone.

Doctor said, you just worry about your lost love, you just worry about him, if you really worried about him go and live with him.

Shut up! Dark lord headmaster said to him,

Why? Headmaster, why you taking her side, she is just show her love toward him

Dark lord headmaster said, this is the main concern, you don't understand it, you have to work hard form your brain, this war is against immortal and non-immortal, if something happen in war situation, other immortal creature jump in this war, this cause the one of the dangerous encounter, we never imagine, don't take this lightly

Sorry! Sir, I understand you concern

Sinha said, if king salmon lost against them, we have to chance to take over his power during the war, why we don't something like that?

Black witch said, you think that, this really going to happen, if this happen, the immortal creature form royal family appear, that you should know about him, if they appear, situation is getting worsten. You should not pray for this, you understand it.
