

Jenny was underpressure and want to ask, jenny was between the cloud and she looking that person, who is taking by himself, jenny ask, how you die and come to heaven, there must be a reason for this, you can tell me, we will stay in heaven for long time, that women laughing after heard this

King order varu to bring that flower otherwise don't show your face, this is the best thing you can do. Varu accept it and takes soldiers, because the soldier were knows that. Where is that flower? Varu was so sad, he has to go there and find that flower, which is very rare to find, if they can't get it, all of them with blame me for her condition.

Jenny was laying in her room, which she get for rest, jenny want to open her eyes and talk to but, she saw something in her dream, bird and nature feel very close, wind flowing also stop, bird stop humming and sound of nature stop

Jenny was talking to that women, who was standing in cloud, she asked that question but she laugh and talking to her and reply, we both alive, you just thinking you are dead, the truth is we have to talk before, you learn something, this world is see, this the secret world, that one we two can meet and no one will touch and enter this world without permission, you need to learn and become great witch like me

Jenny ask, how I become great witch like you. My mother is also great witch, if I want to become like her, is there any problem with that,

That women reply, you mother is good not great, she really totally depend on her magic, she never learn the great magic, she has to work in her physical ability, but she never learn and best this no one will teach you, if someone use anti-magic spell on her, she will never stand a chance against them.

Jenny yawn and reply, magic is everything there, if anyone use this magic. What the problem? This is nature of magician,

That women reply, but you have to work different like other, this word is very cruel, if you think, you work like other, than forget it, you will never become a great witch, and you just end like other

Jenny reply train me bird coming from the sky and sit on jenny head and humming sound, to express it's happiness, jenny said, I am ready for training,

That person, you have to stand and concentrate you magic power on your body to enhance your strength and combine you move with magical power, many magical use their weapon and flow magic in the weapon. This is the reason for you to understand it, you power were waste, whenever you use wand and your hand, and you have to secure you magic power

Jenny reply, I don't have my body and I am not feeling it, how could you say that, we both have our real body, you are saying that without our body, how we can manage to enhance out physical skill.

That women ask, do you love someone is your life, that you care the most, she smile and ask t and she wearing while cloth with white eyes, that cause jenny to thought as angel

Jenny reply, my family is the one, I love the most and care about him, I love him most, they bring me and grow me, so how can I not love him'

That women laugh and reply, I am talking about a boy, you love and want to spend you entire life even, if he is not equal to your status. I believe that, you have someone in your life, just tell me I will not tell anyone, ha!

Ha! Jenny also laughing about this, jenny knows that, no one in her life, who she love the most other than her parents. Jenny was confuse with her question but she answer correctly, she knows that,

Women ask, I am talking about prince varu, that you love, fight and spend most of time, you also shared bed, I think he is the best person for you right now, you will both make a goof couple

Jenny stand and scold her, you are talking non-sense, I never love that guy, he is nothing but a loser, who always scold me and now, he is not leaving me, because I am strong, do you believe it, he is nothing but a royal dog from that palace, he have nothing except his royal status.

Person laugh and reply, I just said a single word and you explain everything about him, it means you have something for him, you naughty girl, you both make a good couple, but in future you feel something for him, and you want to protect him. You heart will follow you, so let's train you for this, your body will feel nothing now, but you can still use this magic

Jenny thought of refusing her, when she come up with that prince name, jenny want to learn, she just thinking and jumping but that soft cloud completely change with soldier ground. Jenny held hit when she fall and said, what kind of place you built, I just hurt by this, jenny was shocked to see this, there is lot of tree and river in just nearby, she can easily listen the sound of water, jenny was amaze for this and looking for her, she was nowhere to found, jenny want to know, where she is now

Varu was struggling with her parent and went to looking for flower, but that flower was in Special Mountain who own by royal family, varu arrive there with and enter it, but guard help to find that flower,
