

King and queen was very upset about it and she revive the old pain, that king and queen are hiding from all this year, they ask time from them, they will back and tell everything, but don't tell this to varu and Hitesh and other, we don't want them find out this secret. Both king and queen look said, jenny also feel bad for them, they can't express it, they have to take action.

King was in very confusion, he was very much in very trouble to believe her or not, how could a girl have power resurrect her, she was sealed, I know she using magic to bring her grandmother back to life for short time, but this is different, she has to face the different situation, she is now very important for them, our parent are not live in this world, they are already die, but elders of royal family still here, I have to convince them, but why I am trusting here, she just make fool of me

Queen also understand his feeling toward his sister, but she also not believe her and want to talk about this, this is something, that she want to believe, both was present in that day, when she was sealed by the elders. She said, I trust you, whatever you decide, I will believe you and your decision.

King decided to order and send message to guru and elders of royal family, they also called the jenny mother, as per jenny order, that decision was not to meant for king heart, but he take this as his last wish to want to meet his elder sister.

In the morning Ren came quick with hat, message was send by eagle, Ren and her husband came with their son and daughter, that was really urgent, Ren came and bow in front of king and greet him,

King said, thank you for coming, I just need jenny hat, so she can help us, and guru and elder of royal family came with anger and said, if you call us without any serious concern, you will pay for it, 7 guru was look like monk and want other hand was wooden stick, he said in pray position,

King call and request them to sit and Hitesh, kilo, varu also came and show their respect their elder gurus and said, my pleasure to meet you, I never expect you came here, is something wrong that you come here, varu ask.

Your father call us as emergency meeting for this, they send us quick letter, so we came here prince.

Ren ask to guru, how are you still in this is not a fashion cloth?

Guru reply that our tradition dress

King order to call jenny, he said to gurus, I call you because of my elder sister, resurrection, for that door

Guru said, shut-up, she will never be part of family, you have to forget her, she was blemish the royal family

Hitesh trying to interference them, but varu stop them and said, father had an elder sister, they are talking about her, so please don't interference the discussion, it will big misbehave by royal prince.

Okay! Brother

Jenny came with enjoying and said, hey dude, why this half naked monk here, we stop distributing the money, jenny saw her hand run toward hat but Ren stop her with one hand, she running in flor but she not going anywhere

King salmon said, jenny they are guru, you ask is call them,

Jenny looking every corner and them look toward guru, I never call them, you must be mistaking

King said, why you lying, you said, you can help

Queen said, king is right, why are you lying?

Ren scold her and said, you insulting the king by calling the elders of royal family

Jenny said, give back my hat mother, I never said them to call the elder, how could I know about that elders

King order Ren and give back the hat, Ren gave it, elder stand and walking toward the door, jenny put hat on her head and rotating and sit down on sofa.

Varu and king, queen was feeling insulted because of jenny in front of elder, varu also angry and want to slap her, he move toward jenny

Stop! Everyone, I just kidding, please come and sit, I just want to make this environment joyfully, please I apologizes and sit

Elders said, you insolent child, do you think? We have to so much free time like you, I will going

Jenny said, okay go, but you have to tell the real truth about Riya, what happen to her?

Elder said, she is the biggest betrayal of the royal family, who cheated on her father, former king, who that person are you asking about her?

Jenny said, tell me, what thing that takeover her body? That you need to use you former elder to seal the whole door and said never open it.

Elder shocked and take deep breath and said in mind, how? She know about it, elder came and sit on sofa and ask water to maids, maid brought it, they drink and ask, how do you know about this?

Jenny reply, I saw the seven seal and seven magical lock on the door, that represent the demon and evil spirit, so tell what was that, that you have do it, I amaze that, you maintain to seal that thing

King ask, what are you talking about? Jenny, how could my elder sister was takeover by some, that was not possible

Ren said, that not possible, some can who already leave this word, who don't get satisfaction before leaving this world

Varu ask, to jenny, it means, someone take over our aunty body jenny, he put his hand on here shoulder and shaking her, he want answer

Jenny grab his hand and throw toward elders, elder use their power to stop varu from falling on ground
