

Sinha gave flower of dream to all so he can get time check on jenny. So he brought so many flower. Headmaster also see through the boy but he was not interest to intervene it.

Headmaster has a good intention of this. Headmaster want to check out the student how they manage to escape from the flower.

Jenny plant the flower in a soil and wait for grown up. She gave the lecture over this so she just shut the flower and bury this.

Everyone take this flower with ourselves. Hitesh was no idea of flower but he took this flower. He distribute the flower everywhere. But jenny ask one more. She put the flower in Sinha cloth.

Headmaster saw them distribute flower through window and sweat dream. This is thing we have to fight.

Everyone take after noon class and wait for the night. Jenny was with thought of flower grown and bigger.

Jenny make the biggest mistake plant them on soil. They all complete their afternoon class and almost at 5pm. They still enjoy of fragrance of flower. They said this is something we have to manage.

Sinha said, they all catch my eyes so prepare for the night. They all eat dinner and went to sleep. Moon light strike all flower release a gas.

They almost cover the room. Sinha also catch in the flower. He was decide to hide outside but flower with him make also in this situations.

Everyone looking in their dream. Jenny sleep below the mattresses. Gas not reach to her. Other also catch the gas went to dream. Dream where you have fight with your fear.

If you lost in dream you will never get out from your dream. Creature who live far has no effect on this. They just went to look for the plant.

Jenny plant also grow and cover the campus. This make the situation worst. This magic also work on them.

After go to bed all of them sleep but gas was started to spread around rooms and make all of them in deep sleep where all of them face their nightmare.

When all of them sleep. Dream pop of the persons mind and they want to wake up but they didn't. They just run away from the dream.

Hitesh he was scared of his elder brother. He appear in his dream he have to face his nightmare. He fight his mind was set that he lost. Jika also scared of death. He was on top of highest building.

Manish scared of snake and he was on the snake cover island. Caron and scared of pimple and they were follow in her dream.

Watchdog scared of failure. In his dream he face the memory of failures he do in life. Ninja scared of punishment he face in his house.

Hira was scared of strongest person. That's why he ask rhi to be his partner. Earth scared of swimming her face flood of water in her dream.

Jenny also stuck in her nightmare. She scared of death. She was face in her childhood. Spirit soldier scared of man who murdered his parents.

Tea face significant dream of parent love she never get.

Diat was scared of loneliness she face make him scared.

Masu has dream of nightmare of crowed. He face in his dream. Cobra was nightmare of punishment. He face hungry in his life.

He struggle to feed himself. One day he want to feed his friend who die by starving. We will help to each other.

Hunger was in dream of girl he love and let them go and see him in this academy. Masu was also see his dream of her mother dead.

They will be something we can do. Mercury was scared of tallest place.

Mikastsu scared of armor beast. If we win all of this we can fight. She is now a biggest obstacle in our plan.

Other student also face of same dream. Where are nightmare they have to face? Jenny was also face the dream.

Jenny was plant the flower slowly grow. They have to wait and see the light of dream. The plant grow in alive manner. Their bindweed was spread around campus. They also have a problem.

Mickey dream of his beautiful girl dream. If we all know about this we will fight.

Thing started to change when creatures feel this smell and trying to wake up their partner.

Rhi sweat said, That didn't work.

We have to do something before they all consume by nightmare. Rhi explain that we can do to save them. How?

Rhi explain, we have to burn the flower. This flower work until they release gases.

Rhi ask, do you think this things work without any sickness, let see something to burn.

Simha said, hey look something coming from outside of window.

This look like creeper. What creeper, someone plant a big in ground. That's mean we all are in danger. So let's continue.

In this fight we have to unite. Hey hisson do you hear us. They trying to communicate through window. They can't enter through window.

They look for a path to the big plant. Rhi said we have to reach before the plant grow in big. If we don't to reach on time. They all sleep in eternity.

Rhi said, we all know this we will fight. They all running toward the direction of bindweed. Let's see something we used to burn them.

If we know that happen we would never take this flower. Hey rhi hissona ask how you didn't find about this flower when you see.

Rhi explainThis flower like a 2 person a single personality.

What do you mean?

This plant shows a different flower and then show a different flower. Please explain us. Plant hide himself to another flower for hunt.

Flower release the gas and started to eat the person who nearby. Flower start eating if we don't not stop him.

Beee said this is worst plant I ever see. We have to call other creature to help us.
