
Journey to the Past 3

Reydi walked out onto the balcony he could see Sam with a bunch of roses talking to one of the maids he handed her a rose and even from the balcony he could see her blushing. He smiled to himself thinking one day he would find his princess and shower her with roses. He walked downstairs and not wanting to disturb Sam's fun decided to go for a walk in the town. Reydi walked past so many different shops selling many things. He was suddenly distracted by the sweetest smell. Where's that comming from he asked himself he looked around and saw the Bakers. Oh thats where Sam brought the cake yesterday. I'll stop by and pick up a few sweets im sure Sam will use it to conquer another heart. The moment he walked in his senses were attacked with the delicious smell of sugar and dough. Sweet cakes , pies and candies were everywhere. He could smell Cinnamon and Apples it was enchanting and mouthwatering. Reydi walked up to the counter excuse me he said to the older gentleman behind the counter. How can i help you Sir he asked while holding a delicious looking piece of bread. The man smiled would you like to try it Reydi just nodded like a child. The baker sliced a piece and handed it to him.It was so amazing it was sweet and practically melted in his mouth. I'll take 2 no 4 of those. Reydi ended up buying alot of breads cakes and candies practically enough for everyone in the mansion. Please have them delivered to the Fort Nassau estate said Reydi while biting into a ginger candy. Absolutely My Lord as you wish. Thank you for your buisness said the baker with a warm smile he had sold so much he could take Sunday off.

Reydi got to the mansion and found Sam waiting in his room. Where'd you go? asked Sam

Why? Did you miss me said Reydi. Sam laughed who me no i was just happy i didnt have to babysit. Reydi held his chest faking pain. They were a funny pair. Suddenly their was a knock on the door. Robinson walked in and took a bow my Lord you have a delivery downstairs. Yes its here cried Reydi with excitement. Oh no what did you do asked Sam concerned. You'll see lets go. Reydi ran downstairs where there was a carriage waiting filled with many baskets. The smell of sugar and vanilla was overwhelming. I bought sweets for the whole mansion he exclaimed happily. His lord is to kind said Robinson before calling 3 footmen to come help unload the carriage. The door opened and a girl stepped out. Reydi turned around and their eyes met. Reydi's heart seemed to skip a beat. She was beautiful with gorgeous blond hair and hazel eyes. Her fair skin didnt help cover how red her cheeks were. She was stunning. Reydi held his breath thinking if he exhaled she might disappear. She looked so shy and delicate he wanted to hold her tight and protect her forever. Good morning my lord i am Eli im here to deliver these sweets. She tried to evade his eyes but she couldn't causing her to blush even more. Sam could see the scene unfolding infront of him and his heart sank Eli and Reydi clearly had made a connection. Eli cried Sam its nice to see you again. Sam stepped forward and gave Eli a gentle kiss on her hand. Sam how nice to see you again did you enjoy the sweets I told you i would see you around said Eli with a smile that could bring down an empire. They were scrumptious said Sam with his radiant smile. Reydi felt jealous and recomposed himself. Hello Eli im Reydi he said as he gave her a bow and kissed her hand. Eli blushed her whole body tingling from his touch. What is wrong with me she thought to herself. Oh he is so handsome what do i do. Her heart was beating fast and her whole body felt hot. She calmed herself and smiled so you were the one who cleared out the shop today. Im glad you enjoy my sweets. Robinson make sure everyone gets sweets after dinner including every staff member said Reydi without taking his eyes off Eli. You are very generous my Lord said Eli with admiration. Soon everything was brought inside and it was time for Eli to depart. Farewell my lord she said to Reydi before turning to Sam ill see you around Sam. Sam smiled and nodded he was well aware that they would see each other again just not how he had hoped.
