

Just as Neil sat in his car,he looked down at his phone to see the little cupcake's face.Thinking that he would be distracted with her,he had changed the screensaver.But now not seeing the other woman made him feel disturbed so he changed it back to it's previous one.He rubbed his thumb over the screen tracing her features once more.It seemed nothing could distract him even now.

Inside the restaurant:

All of Mi rae's colleagues were in shock.Mi Rae's assistant could not process the happenings.She had been with her for so many years and that woman had OCD about personal space!Forget a man,but even a woman was not allowed to touch her without her permission.And they had seen that man casually touch her atleast two times in the span of a minute.And what was there in that envelope?She was going to go to the office and find out.They were recovering from the shock when another colleague murmured something,"Uhh,did that guy not look familiar to you all?"
