
Chapter 4: Hunters, Instant Dungeons (Part One)

While he was showing Tae wondered about what he was going to do about his stats points. Didn't want to distribute them carelessly. After much debating in his head, he decided to put them in strength. Since he was finished showering, he quickly got dressed and headed back downstairs. He heard his sister talking to Peony. But he got distracted by the food on the table the smelled delicious.

"Pea, I can't stand it. Your food is always so good" Tea-Hee said before stuff her mouth with another bite of her omelet.

Tae eyed Peony who told him to sit down and eat, his plate was already set at his seat and took a bite of his omelet. Its sweet fragrance gushed into his nostrils, and the flavorful skin was incredibly smooth in his mouth, as he chewed with delight.

'Having a wife isn't so bad' This thought sprang in his mind all of a sudden. Peony had purred him some homemade fruit-juice which greatly complimented his omelet.

Peony smiled as she glanced at her quest screen that was a few feet away.

(Daily Quest: The Perfect Wife)

Alleviate Your Husbands Worries


Prepare Satisfying Meals


Support Your Husband and His Family


Household Chores


Help your husband Complete a Quest


* Warning failing to complete the daily quest will result in a penalty quest.

Peony closed her quest screen and handed Tea her packed lunch and pointed at the clock.

Tea looked at the time behind and grabbed her lunch.

"I'm going now, see you guys later," she said as she waved to her sister-in-law and elder brother who was absorbed in his food.

"Say, I only took 15 minutes to shower, and you made all of this that quick."

Peony opened her menu screen and showed him the crafting section. He looked at it and began his display and tried looking for it. Peony had already taken out her Board and pen.

"You won't find the crafting section on yours. The crafting section will open when you acquire certain skills or Jobs. My third Job Wraith (Blacksmith) allows me to craft weapons and Armors. While my god of Cooking skill allows me to make dishes." Tae read and felt somewhat disappointed.

"Your item box have you opened it yet."


"Open it."

"…. Okay."

Tea opened his inventory and pulled out the item box he received earlier.

(Would you Like to Open: [Random Item BOX])



(You have received item)

Dungeon Key

Class: E

Type: Key

Used: Must be used at the 3rd entrance of Jung station.

"What is this?" He asked Peony

"A key that can open instant Dungeons"


"Don't worry they are safe, the gates opened from these are entering only. Nothing will come out."

"But, would it freak people out, a gate popping up out of nowhere"

Peony shook her head "NO, when you open one, you could say it would be Inconspicuous, no one will notice you enter or leave other than me who also has the system. Too put it more bluntly only [players] can enter."

"I see…" Tea started thinking to himself "Peony, I have an 'Unknown' passive skill do you know what it is."

"It a type of mental skill that you got from the giant statue when you complete the quest where."

"huh? I got something from it."

Peony shook her head "The statue carried the soul of a former deity, and people once worshiped him. Until they betrayed him and sealed him and the bodies of his followed in statues. The remaining followers who got away returned after it was safe and built that temple for their former leader. They have been stuck as statues for a long time."

"I don't understand why 'it' would give me something like that" Tea started to get upset again, those merciless begins tore his body apart and she felt all of that. 'Huh,' he realized something 'Shouldn't I be in more shock from dying.'

Peony sat on the chair and tapped Tea shoulder to get his attention.

"They revived you."

"What? Why would they do that? I thought your Mom revived me."

"My Mother had merely reset time, to the outside world what happened in the dungeon never happened. Everyone who was killed originally is not dead."


"You will see him again. He will remember you and this time won't attack."

"I still don't get it."

"It was because you where the last one to stay."


"When you see him again, it might be better to ask him yourself, and I'm not explaining it to you very well."

"Can you tell me what this skill is meant to do."

"All I know it that's its meant to build your mind. An example would be when you got your body torn apart. You clearly remember the feeling, but you're not traumatized by it."

"I see…"

Peony got up and collected the dishes.

"Let me help you with those" Tea said as he stood up and picked up his own.

When they where Finished Peony pulled out a couple of things from her inventory.

"For the dungeon."

"You want me to go now?" Tea said stunned

"You need to get stronger quickly" She handed him a bag.

(You have received item)

Peony's Stone (X150)

Class: S

Type: Consumable

"What are these?"

Peony held up her board. "Stones filled with my healing magic, break one to heal yourself fully."

Tea opened his inventory, Peony popped up right next to and moved the stones from its slot to one that had Quick Inventory on it.

"What's this."

Peony wrote, "Quick inventory is faster than normal since all you have to do it say or think about the item to bring it out." She moved her hand back into her inventory and brought out a long Sword and dagger.

She handed him the Sword first.

(You have received item)

Iron Sword (Enhanced +MAX)

Class: C

Type: Sword

Durability: 100%


ATK: 10 (+20)

"Enhanced," he said

Peony nodded "It's the weakest weapon I have, Unfraternally, the other weapons I have are too powerful for you" She put down her Board and Handed him the Knife.

(You have received item)

Perion (Enhanced +Max)

Class: L

Type: Dagger

Durability: ∞

Level: 15

ATK: 250

* Levels up with Users

* 50% Chance of Paralysis

*5% Chance to Instant Kill

"Whoa," Tea said

"You can not use the dagger until your level 15. Any weapon or Armor you obtain cannot be used unless you at the same level or above" Peony said as she left the kitchen to go tidy up the rest of the house.

Tea arrived at the 3rd entrance of Jung station he activated the key and a blue-lit wall appeared, he walked through it with ease. When he turned around and touched the wall, it was solid and the people on the outside took no notice of him.

He turned back to look at the dark looming stair of the station before beginning his walk down. When the steps ended, he took out the iron sword and gulped. He was more careful than usual as this was the first time he was going alone in a dungeon. So, careless was not allowed.

Tea slowly passed by the bathroom and ended up in the underground shopping area. The storefronts were in visible deterioration. With no humans in sight and dimly lit areas. All it made horror scenario.

He felt the something looking at him, and the stench of rotting corpses was also present. Having entered many dungeons before, the smell was familiar.

'is it a beast type magic beast.'

Tea couldn't pinpoint its location, so he was stuck but still very guarded since the beast seemed to want to ambush him instead. So, he showed his back on purpose, and it was only after his fourth step when the windows of the clothing store nearby broke, and something jumped out and towards him.

Since he already expected this, he had swung his sword and chopped its head off. The monster was called a "Steel-teeth Wolf."


Two beasts appeared baring its scary fangs as they closed the gap toward Tea, he didn't even have time to express his excitement in slaying the first one before these two popped. When one of then pounced toward him making him lowers his head to dodge. Since it missed the wolf crashed to the ground due to its speed.

Tea quickly charged toward it while dodging the other and slashed dead the one that crashed before it could get.

All this maneuvering and he wasn't tired yet like he used to be.

But he didn't have time to think about that now he needed to kill the other one that had just jumped at him. He swung the sword once more with perfect timing and cut off his head. He heard a ding sound with alerted him.

(You've Leveled Up)

'I leveled up' he thought, but it seemed as he didn't have time to think about that once more. Tea quickly summoned one of Peony's stone and crushed it, and it had automatically healed his fatigue. He watched as the wolf that was in frightening number came closer to him. Tea got into his stance

It took a few hours, but Tea finally took down the last Wolf that came at him, he was borderline exhausted as his eyes exude killing intent. The Iron sword he had been using was at 10% durability. With noticeable creaks in it.

He crushed a Peony Stone. As he saw another waved of wolves heading in his direction.

Peony leaned against the sofa of the main room which smelled like a sweet berry, all her baking and sweet making had been complete.

(Quest: A Sweet Seller)

Sell 50 Cookies


Sell 24 Slices of cake


Sell 100 Pieces of Candy

(0/ 100)

*Must be finished Before Tea-Young comes back

* Warning failing to complete the quest will result in a penalty quest.

Peony signed as she got up and took out a large silver cart which held all the sweets she had made as she walked out the front door. To try and sell them to the neighbors and locals.


Asalincreators' thoughts