
Ginro’s Nightmare

On Lucifer Location. Lucifer walks around inside of the dungeon, She even entered all small corners to find the presence that she felt.

Lucifer: "<Breathing> Ahh.... uhh... i'm nearly at it!

Lucifer suddenly stopped and being irritated.

Lucifer: "(Again!!! 'it' change place!!!) Everytime i get close to it! every time i felt like it's infront of me!!! It Always Change It's Location!!!, <giggles> COME ON LUCIFER!!! THINK!!! THINK!!!..... <Sigh> i think this is the most idiotic thing that i will do"

Lucifer stand down and she sat down on corner, She closed her eyes and let her guard down, She let her instinct to come forward and let her body do the rest. Lucifer turns off her sences in any kinds of danger and presence, She slowly stand up and start walking while closing her eyes and mouth.

meanwhile on ginro location. Ginro still on the ground sleeping and had a bad dream.

Ginro: "Where am i?, what is this place?, i can't see anything!"

suddenly the whole blank space is shaking.

Ginro: "W-What's Happening!! Earthquake!? really? in this kind of place!?"

the whole place has change into orphanage where Ginro have been live once when he was a kid.

Ginro: ".... this place...."

Ginro walk around and check every corner if it's really the place that he lives previously.

Ginro: "no doubt, this place... (it's all an illusion, i knew it all along by just one look because i'm still wearing my coat and suits... am i dreaming?, also... there's no people here and) it's too quiet i dont like it"

Ginro suddenly walk to the kitchen and gets a knife. Ginro is looking around if someone is watching him, when he tried to slice his finger he suddenly heard a noise from above.

Ginro: "....."

Ginro sneakily walk upstair and his eyes makes an unusual pupil, it feels like he already knew what's gonna happened. Ginro slowly try to open the door knob and the door is unlock.

Unkown girl: "<Moaning> ahhh.... uhhh.... i.. i-i-i'm gonna CUM!!!! AHHHHH!!!!

when Ginro opens the door slightly, his eyes already have tears and it becomes dreadful. Ginro arm is already bleeding and his blood flowing into the knife and its dripping on ground. Ginro closed the door and unconsciously go to his room and sat down leaning on the door.

Ginro: "<Crying> why, why... why!"

Meanwhile the Girl that Ginro met in melancholy forrest is sitting on a branch of tree and looking at him. The Girl already dressed a 'Miko'.

Girl: "mhhh..."

The Girl jump and look at Ginro's unconfortable face and touch it.

Girl: "<Sigh> (i never seen anyone like this before, when i use this spell some other people can't breath already and choking thier own neck, but this guy...) lets see whats gonna happened.

The Girl move her head towards on Ginro's ears and whispered something.

Girl: "<Whispering> You will dreams all of your bad memories of your life and it will become your nightmare, but because of the spell that i cast on you... it will make even heavier and scarier until you want to die. <Chuckles>"

Suddenly, Behind of The Girl, there is a fluffy tail wagging

On Lucifer Location, Lucifer suddenly felt that she steps on a water while she's closing her eyes.

Lucifer: "(Water?)"

When Lucifer slowly walking, even though she closed her eyes, it's getting too bright for her.

Lucifer: "Light!?"

Slowly Lucifer opened her eyes and she eventually enveloped by the light and vanished.

Inside of the guild on meeting area. Margaret, Dave, Fran and Lilith is sitting there and gonna start a conversation until.

Margaret & Dave: "LUCIFER!?"

Margaret: "You shocked us!"

Magaret stands up and hug Lucifer

Margaret: "when did you arrived!? (<Stuned> i didn't even feel her precense!)"

Lucifer: "even i, i dont know how did i get here."

Dave: "(That's weird, i didn't even know she was there standing infront of the door)"

Fran: "..."

Lilith: "OK! GREAT TIMING!!! im also gonna start our meeting, and also... congratulation lucifer! it seems like you got an elemental familiar".

Lucifer: "what? i-i-i dont even know how i got a-"

Lilith: "Ahhhhh just sit down and listen to me, and now! <Demonic smile> where should i start this story!?"

Meanwhile Yuri is just woke-up and sitting on the bed, she touches her right hair and there was some white color of it.

Yuri: "... <sigh> (this is bad.... the blood moon will also come)"

On Ginro Dream. Ginro Already stopped crying and slowly standing up.

Ginro: "*Sniff* i should find my way how to get out of this dream... (i tried to slice my arm and the feeling is too real but, i didn't wake up also the pain is still here). i should get out of here now before its gets realy nasty.

When ginro opened the door. the dream suddenly change of place. Ginro can't see anything but he felt that his arm and feet was lock by something.

Ginro: "rrghhh! what's this thing!, tsk! i can't move at all!.... mhh!? (foot step? someones comming!)"

Ginro try to be asleep because he can't move at all, suddenly someones opened a door and the lights comming from that way. Ginro felt something nostalgic about it,

Ginro: "(its comming from me!, should stay?)"

Suddenly someone touch Ginro's face and whisper on his ear.

Someone: "I know you're awake! baby G-I-N-R-O"

Ginro suddenly opened his eyes and trembling on fear.

Ginro: "r-r-r-r-r-rebec....ca..."

Rebecca: "That's right! I'm Your Rebecca! and one and only.... your step-mom! <Evil laught> HAHAHAHA, WUHAHAHAHA!!!!"
