
Wonted Embrace

Xing could see in that big bed her father sitting leaning in the headboard and talking to himself or rather... To her... his daughter....

"Mingxia... You aren't making me tea anymore...", he spoke in a whiny tone and there was silence for some time and after that he continued,

"But I want to have more of your tea...",he said with a pout.

Xing could not bear to see her father in such state. He is supposed to be thinking that I am dead and if so why is he having conversations with an imaginary me?

Tears started to stream down her face. Her father is the smartest person she knew along with Chenglei and the Oldman. For him to be reduced to this delirious state, what could have happened?

But that is not important now and she ran towards her father and sat in the stool beside the bed where her father thought his daughter in his delusions was sitting and held her father's hand.

Now it won't be a delusion, Father.... I'm actually here...
