
I'm Not Guilty!

Jessy's mind, on the other hand, was busy thinking of a way how to warn Jagger not to reveal the truth to Adam. The only way to warn him is to teleport into the forest the soonest possible time before the two men will cross paths. This is an unexpected occurrence, she was caught unprepared, she must do it right or else her plan will fall apart before a satisfying outcome can be achieved.

Adam runs his hands through her silky hair. "I will go back to the city in a while, Jess. But I will come back tonight to meet your friend," he said in a firm voice.

Jessy's face brightened up after hearing that he will go home in a little while. The moment Adam will disappear she will teleport into the treehouse and warn Jagger not to say anything to her boyfriend. Now that her plan was already in place, she will just wait for Adam to leave the room.

"How's work?" she asked while pressing her face on his chest inhaling the pleasant smell of his manly scent.
