
Chapter 30- Entwined fingers.

"Can I lay with you for a bit?" "I can be on the couch if that's more comfortable." "It won't be long."

Without even turning around, she knew there was only one person who came into her room without ever knocking. It was Afsah.

Archie took a deep breath before turning around to face him.

"Yeah- sure."

She placed the phone back at her bedside table and turned off the lights before awkwardly getting into the bed.

She clenched her eyes at noticing the bed shift and shuffle before a large arm fell across her small self and pulled back into a warm chest. She felt as though she had known him forever. Like she could share anything and everything with him. But could she?



"May I ask you something?"

There was no turning back now. She was going to enquire about the portrait. It was now or never. But how did she even get into such a position? Nothing ever happened between them. It just was there; you know? No denying that.

"Why are you here?"

"What? Don't you want me here?"

She looked up at him with a frown, scanning his stunning face. His eyebrows were scrunched and his glowing green eyes were staring intensely down at her. She was still unaware of the feelings she had for him; all she knew was that she wanted it. And every day, as her eyes met with his, her greed was getting stronger.

"No, I meant with me at this house."

He thought for a while as though he himself was unaware of the answer.

"I know your father. I couldn't let you stroll around alone. You're young."

"I know there's more to it. I saw the por-"

The phone interrupts their confrontation. How convenient.

Afsah removed his arm from Archie and leaned back to get it before turning on the table lamp.

It said 'Christopher manager.'

"Ugh. Why is he calling you now? It doesn't seem very professional of him…" Afsah complained, still looking into the screen. "Should I decline it?"

"NO! Don't you dare."

Archie grabbed the phone off his arms before sitting up.

"Hi, sir!"

"Hey, Architha. Just making sure that you were going to be here tomorrow right?"

"Of course I will."

"I saw your age on the application. 17 is very young… but I'm sure you'll cope. Am I right?"

"I'll try my hardest."

"It'll just be an introduction though. You'll be assisting one of our top lawyers and they'll give you smaller tasks where you can learn more about this position."

"That sounds perfect."

"Great. You were home-schooled, yes?"


"That is the reason why I don't require you a university qualification just yet but I would like you to take the course while working."

"Oh, yes I see."

"And you are the daughter of Raja Krishna, haha. I believe in you."

"Uh, heh heh.."

Afsah grabbed the phone from Archie and put it towards his ears.

"She'll see you tomorrow."

"Who's this?"

Afsah hung up.

Archie was quite used to this. No emotion. Nothing to say.

"Why does he want to call you so late at night anyway…"

"Is someone not liking that?"

"It's not that…it just doesn't seem very manager-like. You could have easily discussed that tomorrow. Why so-"

"Good night."


She smiled against his chest before dozing off.


It was about 7 am when they heard a knock at their door.

"Archie? Wake up." It was Augustin.

The two froze in their positions. There was no way they could explain this without making it awkward.

They slowly pulled their hands and legs away which they had thrown onto each other during the night.

It was too late. Augustin was in.

"Archie, wake up. You can't be late for-" He stopped midway.

His expression turned into a knowing smirk.

"Well what do we have here?"

"What do you mean? We were talking about life and the fell asleep."

"Life? You were talking about life? Do you think I'm a fool?"

"I mean…" Afsah finally spoke solely to irritate Augustin.

"Well. If you two were done your business, then I think it maybe time that you got ready." He stood there with his arms crossed looking right down at Archie.


After breakfast, Archie was back in her room, less stressed than the day before, looking through the clothes in her wardrobe… rather calm this time. It was then that she glanced at her mother's saree's that she had picked up from the secret room.


Afsah was waiting for her like every other day at the pillars below the staircase, and scrolling through his phone.

He gave a glimpse up the stairs. Expecting Archie, he only faintly saw the figure of a woman in a saree and in quick instinct, looked back down towards his phone before startlingly shooting his eyes right back up to the figure without missing a beat.

It was Archie.

She wore a mild cream satin saree which draped down her so elegantly like no other. Her hair was in a low bun with small dangly earrings to enhance her face shape. She wore a bracelet on each arm and of course she didn't forget the large bindi between her eyebrows.

Afsah was astounded. Scanning his eyes through every inch of her, infatuated by her appearance.

He held out his hands for her as she reached the final set of stairs, which she held tightly and resumed.

"A saree? Really? At a law firm? On your first day?" Augustin whined from the dining table to the left of the stairs.

"She looks amazing." Afsah muttered, almost speechless.

"Shall we leave?"

"Of course."

She walked to the kitchen, kneeled to mother Devi's feet and took her blessings before following Afsah into the passenger seat of the jeep.


She fiddled with her fingers nervously as they walked towards the entrance of the firm.

She already had the attention of those who stood around, looking her attire up and down with a confusing set of emotions. Should they judge or should they applause? They were unaware.

As soon as she set foot, all eyes were on her. Receptionists, staffs, clients, everyone. This wasn't every day in San Diego.

She still clenched onto Afsah's hands while looking around not knowing if she regretted wearing the saree.

"I'll leave now. Enjoy your day, and I'll pick you up at 4. Ok? Don't be nervous."


They started to detach their entwined fingers such as they hear;

"Oh my, welcome, welcome."

It was Christopher.

It was only 8 in the morning, and you could already see the dripping sweat engulfing his white shirt, almost making his very built body visible. His hair was messy and wet just like the day before but this time, he was a little more handsome. His opal eyes were set on Archie.

"You're looking beautiful today." He said, subtly glancing down her.

"She sure is." Afsah said as he felt his chin and looked intensely at her eyes.

The men glared at each other.

"Ok so what do I do now?" Archie interrupted before matters got worse.

"I'm leaving." Afsah sighed before turning back and exiting. He had the attention of the women standing around.

Archie watched as Afsah angrily took off on the jeep before slowly turning around only to see Christopher towering over, staring into her very soul.

"Who was that? Was it he who spoke yesterday?"


"Was it?" His tone was getting rather harsh and impatient.


He grabbed her hands and started walking without letting her finish.
