
Chapter 28- Flower of chaos.

His shirt held tightly onto his skin, showing his very *drool* figure. Finally reaching his face, he had green, glassy eyes and dimples just like Afsah's. My point is that he was handsome. Very. Handsome. Nearly as much as Afsah. But not quite there.


Suddenly, Archie was even more nervous. What if she messed up IN FRONT OF HIM? Again, not giving her enough time to exaggerate the consequence, his voice spoke.

"Good morning, I'm Chirstopher. Who here is Architha Krishna?."

His voice was strong and handsome, just like him.

"Me." She spoke; quiet as the 'me' you give your mom when she asks who started the fight.

"Would you two be fine to wait outside the office?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at Afsah and Augustin.

"That should be okay." Augustin responds, trying to hide his yawn.

"Come in" Christopher smiled, leaving Archie breathless at his dimples.

The room was beyond luxurious. Two walls out of four were windows where you could see the thriving city below. It would be good to have this office, Archie thought. Very good indeed. Heh.

Finally, the two were sitting face to face.

"The daughter of Raja Krishna?" Christopher asked, tilting his head like a puppy.

Archie's forced smile disappeared as she didn't want him to know. If he knew, there would be a full guarantee for this job but she wanted this by herself. She wanted to earn it. She wanted to be standing on her own legs.

"Yes, sir."

"So what come you're here?"

Irritated that she it interrupted her looking at his muscles, she said, "I want to experience reality. I want to work for myself and for recognition. Not as a business man's daughter but as a successful lawyer." She was quieter than before.

"I can hardly hear you, haha. I don't bite."

…How embarrassing. Now would be the best time to run.

"Just a little nervous. It's my first time."

"That's all good. So do you have your papers with you?"

"Oh yes. Of course." She stuttered, releasing the folder from her hug and handing it over to Christopher.

He flipped through for a while, leaving Archie anxious and sweating. He seems pretty impressed, nodding between a five second gap each time. He placed the files back on his desk and looked her up and down.

"I see you like embracing our culture.."

"Very much."

"So what would you do if you were to be criticised for it?"

"I'm never willing to hide my culture. Whatever the circumstance." She was quite sure that wasn't the answer he was looking for but these types of questions always heated her.

He smiled pleasantly.

"What if you realise that this job is risky? Not everyone likes being argued against."

"I mean, every job comes with its own drawbacks. Even a sweeper could trip on his broom."

They laughed for a while, before Christopher threw more questions at her, only to be faced with honest but hilarious answers. By the end, the both were laughing so hard that they were in tears.


Outside, Afsah and Augustin could hear the faint laughter of Archie and Christopher.

"What's so much to laugh about? I thought this was an interview, not a comedy play." Asfah sneered

"Is someone, somewhere, somehow getting jealous?" Augustin said, leaning his hands on his chin and looking off into the corridor with a sarcastically thoughtful expression.

"Shut up."


"I really enjoyed this, Architha. Thanks for making me laugh." Christopher said, wiping away his tears.

"You too, sir."

"Call me Christopher."


Finally, the two came out of the office, more friendly than how they had entered.

"Want me to walk you outside?"

"No. That's fine, I'll walk with Afsah and Augustin."

Chirstopher's eyes trailed to the two men.

With squinted eyes, he questioned, "Who are they?"

"Just my friends." Archie replied innocently.

Christopher nodded.

He waved to Archie as the three walked outside the room and down the flight of stairs, but this time, Archie didn't feel as much pain as she did going up. She was in thought of his face. Afsah's face.

She was so glad that Afash had gone out of his way just to help her. But what if he was just being friendly? But what about that day at the mansion when he came up behind her? Her head was overflowing with questions when she felt a strong, large hand hold hers. The cold chain of Afsah's bracelet touched Archie's skin. Without looking up, she knew who it was and now she had the answer to all those questions.


The three reached back at the mansion.

Archie placed her files on the dining table, and hugged mother Devi before running upstairs and into her room. She stood in front of her window and looked outside when she felt someone behind her.

It was Afsah.

"Oh my, you scared me. I didn't even know you came in."

"Sorry." He said, hugging her tightly.

Oh, the butterflies.

She leaned her forehead against his stomach, unable to keep her smile hidden.

She couldn't look up at him. It was going to be awkward. Oh no.

Just as she started to overthink, her phone rang. Archie moved a bit to gesture Afsah to let go of her which he didn't. He reached beside her and took the phone from her purse.


"Hi, this is Christopher. Where is Architha?"

Afsah groaned loud enough for Christopher and the neighbours who lived miles away to hear.

Slapping him on the arm, Archie grabbed the phone and answered.

"Hi! I'm here."

"Hey… Just wanted to let you know that your appointed. Welcome to VicTorie Lawyers. It's an immediate start."

"Oh my!!! No way! Thank you, Christopher. Ill be there tomorrow itself."

"See you there."

She hung up.

Dancing at partying, Archie was celebrating without an explanation.

Now Augustin and Afsah were in the room, speechless while Archie jumped beds, tore pillows and rolled on the ground.

"I think she got the job…" Augustin whispered to Afsah.

"She sure did."


It was now 2 pm and mother Devi was calling them downstairs to have lunch.

By the time Archie reached, Augustin was already eating and Afsah was leaning against the pillar.

"Hey, Afsah. Let's eat."

"We have to go somewhere."


"Do I have to third wheel?" Augustin asked with a mouthful of rice.

"No, you can stay here." He replied, grabbing Archie's hands and leaving the house.

"I wonder where they left to…"

"Hmmm. Anyways… want some more rice. Son?"

"I mean…"


Archie and Afsah endured a quiet but awkward less car ride.

They finally reached a stop.

It was a farm. A flower farm.

All around them were flowers. They couldn't see the end of it. Mountains and mountains of flowers.

Afsah took her hand and started walking.

Soon, the jeep was out of their site. All around them was a beautiful scent and a beautiful garden of flowers.

Afsah leaned to the ground and plucked one. He held it out to her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


This flower seems very familiar.

No… It can't be

The flower of Chaos.

They were surrounded by it.
