

Terrick screamed heart wrenchingly, peals of gruff and hoarse screeches echoed into the wooden walls of the brig. Of course this was all in his mind, because much like the lifelike illusions that had been plaguing his psyche, he had been allowed to scream his heart out….into a gag that silenced most, if not all, of his screams.

His captors had been polite enough to provide him with a roll of coarsely knitted and repeatedly patched bedding, though he was neither in the right mental faculties nor the correct place, so as to speak, to appreciate their magnanimity.

His face mask had long been ripped off, revealing a healthy brown complexion marred only by a thin scar that ran from his temple to the side of his lip, a thin line of scratches adorned his unnatural scar and a cut lay between his otherwise perfectly sword-shaped eyebrows.

Sea green eyes stared blankly at the rotting wood ceiling as he cursed his fate for the umpteenth time, for though he had been subjected to a very realistic illusion he had been allowed the ability to distinguish between it and reality, albeit barely.

'Damn bastard Alferdo San Juan!! if I find you I swear to god I shall assassinate you balls!! Cock sucking son of an unborn whore! If I don't get revenge for this unwarranted world of pain I shall renounce my surname and marry that wild pig you call a sister! To invite them for a drink he said, drink your sister! Asshole! Fucking…..' and so on were the wildly innovative curses that he had been concocting over the course of his confinement.

A dull chink sounded, piercing sharply through the haze that had been Terrick's pain, a shining hand seemed to lay softly on his shoulder as a soothing voice shook him out of his stupor bringing him back to the dingy halls that made up the dark dungeon he had been confined in.

Slowly he rose, as if a drowning man that had been provided with a wooden log, helplessly he clung onto the life saving noise that had reached out to him. Slowly he felt the illusion clear away from around him, bringing with it a deafening impact from the things that surrounded him.

Relief instantly washed over him as he began to lose consciousness, a soft smile of relief hung on his lips as he slowly fainted, he had been saved.


Sorren looked on, concern vibrantly shining on his miraculously smooth and round face, the pale moonlight reflected from his dimpled cheeks as he looked at the captive.

Over the first few hours he had debated his line of action, at the beginning he had opted to ignore the matter entirely in favor of the more unconventional fish broth that had been left over from his mid-snack snack.

Only over the course of his meal did he realize that the matter had indeed bothered him more than he had expected it to, don't get me wrong he understood, that he had joined a pirate crew and so had to behave as his captain would expect of him, nonetheless he did not believe the pirates where a moral-less bunch as had been repeatedly told to him.

He had been raised on a sea 'hospital' of sorts and had grown up to tales of the brutish and savage pirates that roamed the seas, but still, if he was going to be a pirate, then he would become like his father, as noble of a pirate as could be possible.

A small smile slowly rose onto his face as he looked at the passed out man, he looked to be not over than the age of eighteen, judging by the stubs of a beard that had only begun to sprout and the still boyish smile he seemed to wear.

"Now then, I guess I need to go explain to Captain why I don't think torture is actually required to get what we want...." he said with a thoughtful smile, anyone would say he was carefree if one were to see the smile, but a stream of sweat seemed to flow as if to contradict that notion. He re-locked the metal door to the cell and made his way out of the brig. "What about some fish on the way up..?" he thought as he decidedly took a diversion towards the kitchen area….

{Third Person POV}

Fawkes whistled inconspicuously as he cleared the bar table looking piercingly at his captain. "Did you want him to do that?" he asked as he wiped away some stains upon the counter.

"Simply because he is part of my crew, I can't be expected to continuously hold-hand him… And this way, we can work out our differences quickly.." Lorean replied as he leisurely sipped from the tankard. "I don't particularly mind giving up on torture… but I amn't against it as a mode of gathering information, So if either of you are against it then you need to tell me about it. Not only that the brat's awakened his Conqueror's Haki, these moments are required for him to temper it, so why not?"

"You really are a bastard aren't you?" Fawkes remarked as he sipped on a newly filled tankard," any who he's going to be here anytime now, deal with it yourself.." slowly he walked to the door before throwing it open and into the moonlit prow leading to the cabins.

As soon as he disappeared into the corner, a slow rhythmic beat sounded from the stairs that led into the brig, a shiny head was seen swaggering out followed by a greasy mouth that was chewing vigorously on a chicken leg and a peal of fish.

"Oh Captain you're here!" He said with a over-the-top cheery voice as he looked towards the bar before trudging to him purposefully, "Captain, I don't want you to torture the skinny man in the cells!" he said as he took a deep sigh preparing himself for the scolding he would receive.

"Oh.? And why is that Sorren?" Lorean asked with a stern look slowly setting down the mug of ale that he had been drinking.

"Well for one, we can't be sure that the information that would be provided would be in any way legitimate!" He said trying to make a case. "Well you can't ensure that for any form of information gathering, what is your point?" Lorean countered.

"For another, it isn't really right is it?" He desperately continued. "We are pirates when have we cared about what was right?"Lore asked with a disdainful smirk on his face.

"Well- Well I don't like it!!" Sorren said, the words seemingly erupting from his unwilling mouth accompanied with a sliver of Haki. "Now That, that I shall accept. Remember Sore there is no right and wrong, only what a man can do, and what a man can't do along with what a man wants to do!" Lore announced imperiously before chuckling happily.

"Remember brat, when you say something do not hide behind these useless premises! Might is Right!" he said as he went back to sipping his ale. "Now go sleep, I shall take first watch, you have already removed the illusions from our poor prisoner, so go sleep.." he said as he pushed the dumbfounded boy toward the cabin.

I am baack!!!!

The only time I could write was now Ive been sitting up all night to write this so pls appreciate my effort (shameless author)

Also I will be back on the writing schedule at least till 8th October and on the last day will do a mass release with all the chaps I could manage during that time...

Peace out till the day after!!!

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts