
Chapter 10 Fear and Anger

He had stayed with me until I fell asleep. I had fought to stay awake, as I wanted to enjoy the feeling of safety he provided. I didn't know when he slipped out and his "friend" was not talking. I was in a state of panic as I realized that I was completely alone. Or so I thought. There was the smell of food in the air, so that meant that there was someone in the house. However, no one answered me and the door was locked. What in the world was going on here? Then I heard Kryscht talking so I proceeded to get someone's attention, no matter what I had to do. Yelling wasn't getting me anywhere so I started throwing stuff at the walls.

That got attention, Kryscht walked into the room just as I found a vase to throw at the door. It narrowly missed his head.

"What the hell?" He asked as he ducked the vase flying at his head. I glared at him and said, "Where the hell have you been? I been locked in this room like a prisoner, no response from your man there, no food, nothing!" My chest heaving, as I unleashed my emotions on him.

Sorry it’s been a while since the last chapter. I’ve been working a lot.

blaze0625creators' thoughts