
Wait! What?

"Wait, there are 6 months in a year?" Lucy asks, almost dropping her slate. This can't be right!

Master Gavin nods. "Yes. Key, Azure, Zero Zing, Silver Star, JaMana, and Auran." He recites. Lucy's lips twitch. "Isn't Zero Zing a name? Why is it a month?" Lucy asks while copying each name.

Master Gavin smiles. "In honor of Zero Zing, who created Cosmos magic." Master Gavin explains. "He was born in the Wild Lands, across the sea. They don't have empires there, just Warlords, and Great clans. A very powerful land with many geniuses. Although their naming custom is a bit backward. Zing is Zero Zing's surname." Master Gavin explains.

Lucy blinks. "Wild Lands?" Her eyes sparkle. What would that look like? "I want to go see!" Lucy says. Master Gavin pauses. "To reach the Wild Lands, one must cross the Lamia territory. They are quite unfriendly toward humans due to some unpleasant history," Master Gavin says than shakes his head. "Never mind that. Copy down the days of the week for me," Master Gavin says.

Lucy shrugs, writing down Void Mist, Tempest, Gold Willow, Seek Tai, Violet Fire, Celeste Moon, Celeste Sun. Seven days of the week, just like home. So why do two 6 months years equal my years of 12 months? Lucy twists her lips. My body is definitely two in Earth years. Lucy rubs her forehead, smearing calk on it. I'm so confused!

"Master Gavin? Can you explain the calendar to me?" Lucy asks.

"Sure, Third Miss. Today is Tempest, the 5th of Silver Star, 142 Jaguar Era. There are seven more weeks until the month of JaMana. There are 365 days, 52 weeks, and 6 months each year." Master Gavin strokes his beard.

"Days of the week are Void Mist, Tempest, Gold Willow, Seek Tai, Violet Fire, Celeste Moon, and Celeste Sun. Months of the year are Key, Azure, Zero Zing, Silver Star, JaMana, and Auran." Master Gavin says.

Lucy tilts her head. So each month would have roughly 8 weeks? Lucy looks up at her tutor. "Why does the year have six months, instead of twelve?" Lucy asks. Master Gavin's eyebrows furrow. "Why would there be twelve months?" He asks.

Lucy pauses. Because... That's just how it was. Fine. Whatever. Doesn't matter.

"Master Gavin. When do I study..." Lucy pursed her lips. "land?" Lucy finally says. Don't know the word for geography in this language. Master Gavin laughs. "Third Miss, such subjects are to wait until you are Awakened."

"For now, Imperial Third Miss Jing please recite the current Imperial Household." Master Gavin says. Lucy sighs. No! Not this again! "Emperor Wang Yong. Empress Kaili, Outdaughter of Rimes Clan. Imperial Princess Keyn..." Lucy recites.

Thank goodness I don't have to recite the Imperial Miss' or Lords.

Nothing like knowing that Verra Empire had nearly 200 Imperial Lords, and Miss' to be aware of how totally worthless, one's title is. In front of Dukes, Earls, Knights, Ministers, and their various heirs, an Imperial Miss had to remain respectful.

Only an Imperial Miss or Lord was granted their titles from birth. On the other hand, Princes', Princess', Dukes, Generals, Ministers, Knights, Earls, and such all had to perform a great deed or pass a Smelting Trial in order to take up their titles.

After Master Gavin leaves, Lucy lays in the grass, basking in the sun. Selena was off meditating and gathering spirit energy. No, gathering Aura. All I need is to blurt out spirit energy. They would think me insane or confused. What a wonder that would be for Mom's reputation.

Lucy yawns, laying her arm across her eyes.


(HOW DARE THEY!) Lucy jolts up, a red haze engulfing her. Lucy trembles, her face flushing. "Wha?" Lucy mutters. "Selena? Selena!" Lucy jumps to her feet, gaze darting around the yard. What's happening? Why are you so wrathful?

Selena's magic was roiling. From their soul link, all Lucy could feel was the rage. Lucy pulls back from their link and drops her shields. Perhaps someone else would know.

(Shameless. They should execute her!)

(It makes sense. Otherwise, there is no way, Concubine Meng Lani got pregnant again so fast. I wonder if Third Miss is Prince Jing's?)

(They should abort that trashes child. All of her children will be cursed. Just look at the Third Imperial Miss Jing. Who besides the Imperial family could afford to feed her! If not for Imperial Prince Jing's desire for children such a burden would be directly thrown out. )

(I wonder if Concubine Meng Lani truly committed adultery. She is Duke Meng's daughter, so I can't see it even if she is trash.)

Wait! What's going on! Whose spreading these rumors!
