
Bad mood

When Ark had punched, he didn't only use his normal physical strength but he infused an enormous amount of mana into his cells as well, propelling his powers to a completely different level. What was left after Ark's punch was only a couple of scattered branches as well as dust and fragments of the trees that had been in front of him just a second ago. The devastation reached further than 50 meters away, and even Ark was a little surprised by his own strength.

As he watched the destruction, he heaved a sigh of relief. He already felt a lot better than before. Ark had never felt like he had problems with anger before, but as he watched what was left of the trees that had been in front of him, he reconsidered a little, maybe he did have a problem with his anger. It would be weird if there were no side effects from all the torture he had been through, but if it was possible, Ark didn't want to inconvenience anyone, not even himself.
