
Love Making You Blush.

Zylv was startled when her husband suddenly walked up to her and tossed her on their bed. A slight giggle left her lips though as she slightly bounced. Her giggle was quickly swallowed up by his lips pressing down on hers.

She pushed him playfully away, "Kaldrek… what are you-?"

"Kissing my wife." He placed a soft kiss on her nose, "Unless she minds, of course?"

The teasing note in her husband's voice as he leaned over her made her blush slightly. Though that might be more the way his eyes seemed to drilling into her own. She wrapped her hands around him, "I don't mind… I just am not used to you being, well, acting like, um…"

He laughed, as he leaned down to kiss her some more, "I know. No one else could ever get me to act in such a way, only my sweet adorable wife."

She at him feeling ridiculously pleased hearing words she already knew to be true. "Well, husband of mine, you are the only man I would let treat me in such a way."

Kaldrek grinned at her, with adoration in his eyes, before he kissed her till she was completely breathless.

Breathlessly, Zylvia tightened her arms around her husband and buried her head in his shoulder. A soft satisfied smile glimmered around her mouth, as she clung to the man she had given her everything to, "Hey, Kaldrek, I've been wondering about that woman who came here…?"

"Queen Dawn," He sighed, "She is the queen of Lumna, as I am sure you picked up. She is a native of Nix'Ryl, Arrion brought her out from there during his more adventurous days, and she is a Child of the Sun, which makes her quite dangerous…. If she can tap into it. Oh, and for some strange reason, I keep getting the feeling that she sees me as someone to look up to, almost like an older brother, despite the fact that I am pretty sure she is older than me? Is that enough?"

Zylvia could not keep herself from laughing at the part about her viewing Kaldrek as a brother. "Just two things. So, I have a pseudo-sister-in-law? And what exactly is a Child of the Sun?"

He chuckled, "I guess, at least she might view it as such, and a Child of the Sun is in some ways like a sorcerer but both more powerful and less powerful at the same time. Their abilities are not really something they can rely on as they don't have much control over it. But when they are at their last ends sometimes they can tap into a great power that can create great heat. A self defense mechanism. I guess. But their best power is that they are said to have the hands of a healer. They don't heal people as quickly as a priest can, but they can certainly fix many ailments that not many could."

"I see…" Zylvia smiled, "She loved him, right? Her king?"

"Dawn is a bit, well, reclusive due to her upbringing but yes, I believe she did." Her husband got a bit of a frown on his face. "Now, my love, are we done with this?"

Zylvia smiled teasingly at the note of impatience in her husband's voice. She realized that she had stopped him with her sudden questions from his kisses and from what he was obviously wanting.

"Hmm, sure for now?" She kissed him softly. "You can get back to what you were doing."

"You mean you?"

She froze at the words he had just said, feeling a trifle shocked. She was not used to him saying things that were downright suggestive, "… I suppose if that is what you were uh… thinking?"

"Oh, Zylv… I love you," Kaldrek laughed as he kissed her again, "And I love making you blush."

The next kiss he gave her was far deeper and had a note of demand to it.
