
We won the quiz and want to spend the day with our Jeremy

The next day...

Ryn opened the door when someone rang the bell. She was a bit puzzled as the maids already send their breakfast earlier. It revealed two young women. Ryn frowned because they were strangers to her.

And they did not wear the hotel's uniform so she knew they were not the workers there.

"Yes, is there anything I can help you with?" Ryn asked with a cock of an eyebrow. Luckily she already changed into her working attire after the shower so she looked proper for the public. Silently she wondered how these two women managed to get to this floor when only a special key could reach this suite.

"Is this Jeremy's room? Are you his maid?" one of the women asked.

Ryn blinked her eyes a few times when she heard the question. Wait... what?

It was clear she was wearing formal working clothes but these two women took her as a maid? Were they blind or something?

"We want to see Jeremy," another woman demanded.
