
The cool and charismatic Jeremy or the cute and adorable Jeremy?

Greg knocked on the door and waited for the door to open but to his amusement, it did not open at all. Greg checked his watch and smirked. This 'boss' of his must be deep in his sleep. He did notice the black under Jeremy's eyes. He must be missing Catherine so much and too frustrated when he could not take days off to go to her. And this frustration and stress led to his insomnia. Or even if he could sleep, it was not a fulfilling and peaceful sleep.

When would that silly girl accept Jeremy? Hasn't Jeremy suffered so much after the breakup?

Greg had no idea what inside Ryn's mind for being so stubborn. Even he could see how deep Jeremy's love toward Ryn until he could no see other women except her. Why was she so stubborn and cold-hearted?
