Ancient Sage Ran Qiu was reputed to be Kong shi's strongest direct disciple, so naturally, his strength was not to be underestimated.
If these Golden Warriors really possessed his fighting instincts and moves, it would be nigh impossible for those of the same realm to defeat them!
"Actually, it isn't as exaggerated as that. While the Golden Warriors do possess the battle instincts of the master teacher behind the calligraphy, the circumstances in battle are ever changing. The slightest lapse in response can create the largest difference in the results of the battle. It would be amazing if the Golden Warriors could wield even half of Ancient Sage Ran Qiu's true strength," Luo Ruoxin remarked with a light chuckle.
In the end, even if the calligraphy was infused with Ancient Sage Ran Qiu's will and psyche, it was ultimately just a couple of characters. It was not really as fearsome as it sounded.
"You're right!" Zhang Xuan nodded. "Who should go first?"