
Chapter 17 Fun Day With Ruby And Yang Part 2

Gin sat down with Ruby and talked about Huntsman and what they would be like.

"Ping" Lov...


Gin:{Okey System!!! i dont want to know when the Affection goes up!!! it sound irritating i dont want this to turn this into a Dating sim, if i like them, then i try on my own and by M Y OWN judgment.}

System: Confirmed disable Notification on [Love Affection].

Gin:{Thank god i dont want this to turn this into a game reality Dating sim, i want to live my life to the fullest in this world and change it for the better not to turn this into a game....hmm so system do i have an option to delete this feature "Love Affection"?

System: Yes you can delete Love Affection becase this was just an extra function.

Gin:{Hmm i will think about this but be ready for me to delete it}


While Gin was thinking that Taiyang brought the milk and Yang with him and they talked about almost everything about Taiyang and Rogers past untill Roger droppes the bomb down.

Roger: So how are you and Raven? I haven't heard from her from you only from Qrow?

Yang:!? {Mom?}

Taiyang: Now is not a good time to talk about that...

Yang: Mister beardman how was my mom? Do you know were she is?!

Taiyang: Yang, Ruby take Gin to your room.

Yang: But i want to know about mom!!

Taiyang: Now!!!

Yang:?!.... Fine!!

Yang ran upstairs angry and Ruby was walking with Gin upstairs after her.

Roger:.... You diden't tell them?

Taiyang:....no they dont need to know... atleast not now, they are not ready.

Roger:"Sigh" i see you turn into an mother figure then a father figure.

Taiyang: Whats that supposed to mean?!

[Meanwhile upstairs]


Yang throws all her stuff and looks outside when its about to be night and saw a raven and said.

Yang:{Mom i miss you.... why? Why did you leave me...} "tears" and was looking to the ravens eyes.

Gin and Ruby looked trough the small opening the door and saw Yang crying.

Ruby:....Yang miss her mother and i miss minne but mine.... is gone "sniff" forever. "Sniff" but Yangs mom left her and she doesen't know why.

Gin: Thats... im sorry i... i diden't know.

Ruby:Its okey she will get over this i will bring you to the guest room.

Gin:{Hmm but that bird thats is an raven... is that not Raven?? Yangs mom?}

Gin and Ruby walked together to the guest room and was talking untill it was late and then they said godnight to each other.

[Then a few hours later]

Yang: Ruby....Ruby!

Ruby: Hmm let me sleep more.

Yang: Ruby! Im going to find mom do you want to come with me?

Ruby:What!? But what about dad??

Yang: Please Ruby i dont want to tell him becase he wont tell me why she left, it wont be far i promise! I will bring with me our mini cart if you get tired and i brought cookies!(Dont know what the Name of the little red cart is)

Ruby: I...Okey Yang lets go!

While they was preparing to depart Gin was hiding and heard everything they said.

Gin:{ I knew it!!! I almost forgot that in the show Yang told Blake that when she was a child she went out with Ruby to find her mom Raven!! Good thing i rememberd becase if i remember correct this will not be good.}

Hi guys i relise that the Love Affection thing diden’t work for me becase it felt like he was in a game instead of he’s in an another world (Ignoring status of course) so im thinking of deleting it in the next chapter. oh and a little short chapter becase its soon christmas so here you go. ;) and like i said like soon a million times i do look at the comments for suggestion and i will se if im going to use them if i think they are good. (And they usally are)

Glacecreators' thoughts