
Grit (5)

He was focused on his way back, Jen kept following him without exuding any intent on some distance.

He turned around and choose a completely different path after taking some twists and turns.

He stopped at the opening of a small mountain and after glancing around entered.

Jen was sure that he must have hidden Mini Mosa in this mountain, she also followed, she did not see anything but the standing second Dean and glaring at her.

"I knew you would follow me, I brought you here just to rid you, you ignorant young girl...!" he laughed out loud.

Jen was dumb to hear his wild laughter.

"Who do you think, you are...!" he pointed at her.

"Do you think, you can ride on my nerves...?" he glared disdainfully.

"Brainless lass...!" he laughed again.

The truth be told, he was afraid to face her, not because he could not silence her but her stubborn courage was something he never saw before.

She stepped back.

He stepped forward to close her retreating path.

His dominion closed her every chance of retreat.

He was greatly powerful, compared to her Sage first level.

She was feeling intensely stifled.

If she decided to follow behind and it proved that she decided wrong, she would not regret because she simply could not waste her time regretting something which was inevitable.

"Don't you want to see the infant Sky Thunder Martinet...it would be best to break the hope of this infant...it kept reminding me that you are formidable and could rescue whoever I was, the abductor... it was really shameful to hear it say all this nonsense... but I really admire the Sky Thunder Martinet much...I won't even scold this precious creature... but I would show it that I am more formidable than a useless young girl...!!" he flicked his wrist and an Ace Store Token appeared on his palm.

He jerked his hand and chained little animal, Mini Mosa saw Jen staring blankly.

"Human_this old jerk treated me badly_where you were...!" second Dean screamed, "I did not even scold you... why you complaining, false...?"

"You say it false_you lousy old jerk_!!" Mini Mosa pointed toward her chains.

Jen was sure one thing, this little animal would not spare anyone when it gets questioned, with its unbridled tongue.

"Human_would you abandon me_?" Mini Mosa looked low spirited.

This made Jen give her all.

"Even if she doesn't abandon you...she would not be able to save you...I will look after you very well...I promise...and then you would become my Escort Sentient...!!" second Dean tried to coax.

"I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore_!" Mini Mosa turned its head away from the disgusting old jerk, it was already enough that a blessed creature talked this much to a lowly human, Jen understood the disgust Mini Mosa showed.

Second Dean shifted the Sky Thunder Martinet on the small mountain, "Then you should see_how I would kill this human_!!" second Dean gritted his teeth.

Jen also initiated her dominion, this was a do or die situation, she could not back down.

Without the protection of Solar Star, she was avoiding all big fights but this one was inevitable even if she wanted because she could not possibly abandon little animal just because she met the powerful enemy.

It was not two-sided instead one-sided initially, but with the advanced two edge fury of Jen, she made come back.

The difficulty was still monster like, who would have seen such reproachful act of shamelessness before where a mere Sage was attacked by fourth level, Green Sage and one with the experience of countless years.

Her dress was charred.

He used his shoal knife within his powerful dominion, to injure her, it was like an act of pleasure to forcefully subdue a weakling.

She was unable to stand long, she used her Desert dominion and hurled some arrows, in effect.

The knife was creating some deep cuts on her visible and clothed skin.

She activated her Eye of Dark Sight, it was true that Eye of Dark Sight could strengthen itself using the dominion of the opponent but it had its limitations when it faced so much powerful dominion even it could dry the essence energy of owner during its attempt to overcome an opponent in such conditions.

A streak of blood seeped through her lips.

Her dress was tattered due to excessive cuts of shoal knife.

Mini Mosa saw the human in this condition, and a small droplet fell from its big eye.

It was helpless, how could it help that human, its face protruded with utter helplessness, crying.

Jen was reaching her limits of endurance.

She decided to gamble, if that second Dean was this unabashed on his act, she could use means to protect herself, she never used before.

Though she was not sure whether it would work or not.

Still, she decided to take this only chance to save her life.

She flipped herself and spread her contemplation broad.

The second Dean stopped to look a very strange sight, a man was laying in her Central Acmes Pair, and a golden almond light was surrounding its body, that man looked extraordinary, his facial features were heavenly crafted, with a strange aura emitting from his body.

This sight was weird, he spent life but he never witnessed this before, his attention was divided for few breaths, he was completely lost in the weird sight in front of him.

In the next instant, Jen immersed herself, without leaving any traceable speck of essence energy though it was getting unbearable.

Her crossbow which was converted temporarily into spear back then now merged single part, a short sharp knife.

She appeared and thrust it in the Central Acmes of second Dean, who was trying to trace her through his closed eyes, the golden almond crossbow was a treasure left behind by Legends, now it proved its worth.

The second Dean screeched out loud with tormenting howls, he could not think another thing, and turned to flew away before he lost his life in the hands of scheming young girl, he understood her intentions to spread her contemplation now but it was too late.

He fled at his maximum speed, and disappeared soon, Jen was not in a condition to chase behind him.

She fell due to over exhaustion of her essence supply.

Many streaks of blood were flowing out from knife cuts, she was still conscious but could not feed herself any herb from her storage due to immense weakness.


Two genius disciples of School of Contemplation who challenged Jen at the restaurant, when they saw the girl, invited specially to address the disciples at the School of Contemplation, and they saw her extraordinary feats, they felt embarrassed over their actions.

They thought to apologize for the genius girl and cancel the challenge themselves in order to not offend her.

they were intending to enter in the upcoming Contemplation Battles and to offend such genius was not a wise act, Contemplation Battles not only tested to check the caliber of contestant but to know the characteristic values of one intending to pursue this path.

So they earnestly found her whereabouts and followed her to apologize for their actions.

They were at losing when they saw that the second Dean was at war with her, they thought to go back and bring someone but the whole scenario was too rapid in action that they felt helpless before they could decide to help her, she herself came up with it.

Chained Mini Mosa trailed her feet and fell from the small mountain, fortunately, someone provided essence cushion and it was spared from any injury.

Jen saw this and struggled to stand up, these two men must have witnessed the whole situation before and now they were here to snatch Mini Mosa, who would wish to waste time on a challenger ring.

"This senior please, rest assured, we are here to apologize for our conduct back then...!" one of them understood her intentions.

He took out some healing herbs, and instantly mashed and feed her, these were the most precious and effective herbs, Jen immediately felt a gush of energy and absorbed the effects of these herbs.

Mini Mosa was unchained by the other man and it ran and sat beside Jen intently.

"Human_!!" it screamed and started crying again, small droplets fell on the face of Jen and her deep cuts healed miraculously within a few breaths, her face regained the previous charm.

Two men saw this and sighed, they were not fated.

Jen sat with astonishment in her eyes.

"Who are you, little animal_!!" Jen pointed toward Mini Mosa with disbelieve.

Two men were dumbfounded to hear this.

This girl was keeping the infant Sky Thunder Martinet with her all the time yet she did not know its identity, they looked at each other with another round of pure disbelieve.

And to add the misery, she called a blessed creature, little animal, they shook their heads with helplessness.

What a fairness of fate.
