

Moments earlier, Alyra and Dye were running through the forest, but Alyra was far slower than Dye

Dye turns to see Alyra without stopping running she just slowed down matching Alyra's speed " Alyra, what is happening? you are staying behind "

" Sorry, but the difference between my resistance and power is huge " Alyra said with a sad face " My body is still weak "

" So your body still doesn't get used to your powers? " Dye grimaces with curiosity

" Yes, I thought that I would only need to gather energy, but It seems that my body lost too much strength " Alyra answers with a serious face

" Then let me help you " Dye stopped and she began to transform until she took the form of a black wolf " Now, climb on my back, I will carry you "

" Thank you, Dye, but now your clothes are shattered " Alyra said with a guilty voice as she climbs on Dye's back

" Don't worry about that, I'm sure that Hayato will give me another, now hold on tight, I'm going to increase the speed " Dye said with a happy voice and she started to run

' Despite having this spiky hair, it's very soft ' Alyra made a surprised face while she was grabbing Dye's hair

Dye in her divine beast form began to run faster than before and after a few minutes she suddenly stopped, Alyra was very surprised by what she was seeing

Dye raised her head a little and says with a serious voice " What is that? have you seen anything like that before? "

" No, they look like mirrors... but they are floating above each other and side by side " Alyra said with a serious face as she gets down off Dye's back, then she starts to walk toward the mirrors

Alyra looks from left and right and she says calmly " They cover a large area, maybe 100 meters wide or even more, making a huge dome "

" They are made with magic? " Dye asks with curiosity

Alyra extended her left hand and touched the mirror. "Possibly, they are made with ice, someone with great strength should have created them"

Dye watches through the crack between the mirrors " There is a dense mist inside of this ice mirror dome even if it is sunny outside... Hayato is in there, I can feel his presence " she said with a serious voice

" Then, let's get inside, we have to destroy at least one mirror to be able to enter " Alyra takes her stance " Ha! " Alyra jumps forward and kicks the ice mirror with her right leg *PAM* but the mirror was undamaged " This ice mirror is stronger than it looks " Alyra has a surprised face

" Alyra, stay behind, it's my turn to try " Said Dye with a serious voice as her body began to release a blue lightning

" …!? " Alyra was surprised and jumped back, Dye started to run towards the ice mirror leaving a trail of blue light and lightning, then *BOOM* she impacted the mirror with her head, but it didn't break it, the mirror only has some crack marks where Dye hit it

" It's working! Dye if you attack again, you can break it! " Alyra makes a happy face

" Ok! " That made Dye take some distance to attack again, but...

A human figure starts to come out from the ice mirror " …!!?? " leaving Dye and Alyra dumbfounded

Haku was the one who appeared in the mirror. He sees Alyra and says with a calm voice " I'm going to ask you to stop attacking my mirrors "

" Dye, she came out from the ice mirror, she must be the one who made them " Alyra whispered to Dye in a surprised voice

" Yes, but this smell isn't the smell of a woman, I think he is a man, and look at those black marks on the right side of his face, the energy that he releases, it feels just like Hayato's energy, but just slightly different " Dye whispered in a serious voice

" What? then he is Hayato's friend? " Alyra almost yelled in the surprise

" I don't know, try to speak with him " Dye shakes her head with doubt

Alyra makes a nice smile and says " Sorry, we can't make that, a friend of ours is inside there, you should know him, no? "

" Maybe yes, if that friend of yours is an Uchiha " Haku said with an emotionless face

" Yes! it's him! can you let us see him? " Alyra smiles brightly

" No, I'm sorry, but he is someone we have to kill " Haku responds calmly

" What!? " Alyra and Dye were surprised and they began to release their killing intent

" Please leave, I don't have any intention to kill you or your pet " Haku said calmly

" No!! " Alyra and Dye yelled with anger

" Then... you don't leave me another choice " Haku said with annoyance, he puts out a kunai with his right hand and he began to release his energy

Dye felt the increase of energy and she yelled at Alyra " Fall back Alyra, you are not his rival!! "

" Yes!! " Alyra jumped quickly behind Dye

Haku started to make hand seals " Hijutsu: Sensatsu Suishō (Secret Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death) " Ice needles began to appear all around Dye and Alyra ready to pierce them

" *WOOF* "Dye barks creating a lightning sphere that covers Alyra, but she received the attack directly. When the attack ended Dye had a lot of cuts all over her body but, she didn't bleed so much

" Dye!! " Alyra screamed with worry

" I'm ok, try this!...….. *WOOF* " Dye she commenced to form a lightning ball from her mouth to then shot it towards Haku

Haku jumped backward and merged into the ice mirror, causing the attack from Dye to impact the mirror destroying it and advancing into the mist

" What the hell are those mirrors!! " Alyra said with fear and in a few seconds in another mirror, Haku's hand started to come out

" We can't defeat him like this!! " Dye said with frustration and she turns around grabbing Alyra from her armor with her mouth then she started to run in retreat

" What are you doing Dye??!! " Alyra yelled with surprise

" They escaped, I have to go back " Haku said calmly and he started to merge back into the mirror

After running for a few minutes, Dye finally releases Alyra

" Dye, why did you do that!? Hayato is still there! " Alyra said with an angry face

" I know! but he was very dangerous " Dye said with frustration

Alyra makes a surprised face " Then you are saying that he has the same strength as Hayato or even more "

" Yes, and he said 'we', so maybe there is more like him we can only wait here " Dye said with a cold voice

" But Hayato is still there and he is fighting those kinds of people, we have to help him! " Alyra speaks with worry

" I know!! that but if we go, we will make him lose his concentration and that could cost him his life! so we have to trust him! " Dye said with an angered voice

" ...….Ok " Alyra said reluctantly as she was clenching her fists

After waiting for a few minutes, they heard a huge explosion, Dye and Alyra began to run toward where the sound comes from and they arrive again where the mirrors were before

" The ice mirrors are gone and the mist too, let's go in " Alyra turned to see in every direction

Dye and Alyra go further and when they arrive near the lake both of them saw trees and rocks covered with black flames there are even flames on the water

" What is that fire? " Dye asked with doubt

Alyra narrows her eyes after seeing the flames on the water and says " I don't know but even the water is burning "

Dye and Alyra were looking all over the place the Dye yelled " Over there!! "

Dye and Alyra ran to a laying body when they approached they knew it was Hayato but when they were very close they make scared faces. Alyra has a pale face and kneels next to Hayato embracing him tightly

" What happened to him…... he is not dead….. right? " Alyra said with a hoarse voice

" I-I think he is alive, I still have the contract with him, wait what is that? " Dye said with a scared voice

Alyra and Dye saw Hayato's amputated arm under him, Alyra has small tears in her eyes at this point, Dye as well just her divine beast form doesn't make a sound

Alyra took Hayato's amputated arm and she connects it back to his shoulder, she started to emit white light from both of her arms " Light Heal " ' For the moment I don't have enough energy to make more powerful healing but this will help him '

Hayato's arm was reattached to his body, but he still has a big scar there, Alyra started to sweat a lot and she has now a very tired face

" It's… done... " Alyra said with a tired voice

" You cure him? " Dye said with curiosity

" Yes… apart from losing his arm… and all his injuries…. he just passed out from tiredness…. but If we had taken a little longer.... he could have died by blood loss " Alyra said with a soft voice

" But he is going to get better now, right? " Said Dye with a happy voice

" Yes... but his left arm…. will be a problem for him... he will not be able to move it like before " Alyra smiled sadly

" ... Now let's leave I think we are not the only ones that hear those explosions " Dye said seriously

" Yes " Alyra carries Hayato with difficulty and she puts him on Dye's back with her help, then she climbs up too and Dye began to run to where they left their tents
