
Chapter 11

Ruhi lived together with Nidhi, Arnav and Dhruv for 3 years. Her life became good and fun-filled. She never felt the need of her parents, she thought. A small part in her heart always missed Rohan but she always cursed him by telling herself that she and Rohan were unfits for each other.

When she told them about Rohan, Dhruv wanted to go and beat him up but somehow Ruhi stopped him.

"Ruhi, darling get up." Dhruv said, carressing her hair. "Five minutes." She mumbled with her eyes closed. "Ok." He said and went off. Two minutes later, he came back with a small bucket filled with cold ice water with a slyly smile on his face. The next moment, the cold ice water was poured on Ruhi, waking her up startled and shivering. "Dhruv! You jerk!" She yelled and ran behind him throwing whatever she got in her hand.

Nidhi heard all the commotion and came up to see what was happening. "Hey Ram! What did you both do to this room?" She said pulling their ears. "Ma, he woke me up throwing ice water on me..!" She said and Nidhi hit on his head. "I told you to wake her up, not torture her." She said, hitting Dhruv's head once more. "Ow! Mom, you're my mom, you should have take my side!" He said giving Ruhi a sarcastic looks while she showed him her tongue. "Shut up! She's my daughter too. Ruhi, go freshen up quick, you get a cold." She said and Ruhi nodded running to the washroom.

Stuffing breakfast in her mouth and said... "Bye ma, I'm going!" with her mouth full and went out, taking her scooter keys. That was gifted by Dhurv on her birthday that took place a month ago.

She headed towards her college after picking her best friend, Rakhi.

"Yaah, in a few exam will start, and then we'll leave this place for good." Rakhi said depressively. "Chill yaa, we won't be separated, I'll help Dhruv in his business, you can even work there." She said shrugging while Rakhi's eyes popped open hearing Dhruv's name. "Yeah sure." She said smiling widely. "What's the matter, huh? I notice, whenever I mentioned Dhruv's name, you became happy and At home, when I mentioned your name, he starts jumping up like a maniac!" She said eyeing Rakhi teasingly. "Somethings happening, huh?" She said nudging Rakhi teasingly. "Shut up! Nothing like what you're thinking is happening. We only went out a few times." She said with her eyes blushing wide as while Ruhi laughed teasing her.

Time flies, their final exams came and went. Ruhi graduated with flying colours, taking a lot of memories with her.

"Now tell us, what would you like to.do? Study further or find a job?" Arnav asked feeing Ruhi some sweets. "Work with my papa and Dhruv." She said smiling widely. "Papa, I have one of my friend who also wants to join our company. Can she join?" She asked Arnav. "Okay, you can start whenever you want but for your friend, an interview's needed, okay?" By the way, what's her name?" He asked Ruhi. "Rakhi." She said and all eyed towards Dhruv who was blushing slightly. "What? Am I some antique piece?" Dhruv asked and all nodded, no. "Then stop staring at me!" He yelled and all laughed. He went away from where he's sitted from embarrassment.

A month later, Dhruv took Ruhi to a garden and sat on his knees. "I love you! Will you marry me?" He asked her and she nodded. "Yes!" She said.

A particular person saw this from afar and eyed on Dhruv as if he would kill him


This was Ruhi's side of the story after 3 years.....
