
Historical figures! + Announcement 2

Announcement again!

Just clearing up and clarifying further from the announcement in chapter 38. First of all, all mass releases will be in batches of 10. The only thing that will change are the milestones and the number of mass releases.

Also, it doesn't matter when we reach a milestone, as long as it's reached within that week. It could be right after the reset, or right before it. Either way, as long as the milestone I set is reached, a mass release will occur.

So keep the stones coming! I need more Power to cultivate! The milestone for next week is above rank 500 by the way.

Thanks, that's all!


P.S. I had quite a fun time writing this chapter, so I decided to release it ahead of schedule.

Don't worry, there'll still be 3 chapters tomorrow.


The rest of the journey to Bredon was uneventful.

The Dark Guild did not come to avenge Kerda, which probably means that he was a rogue Necromancer.

Surprisingly, there were also no bandits. Maybe Bredon has much better security than Erast, or maybe the bandits are just afraid of the Church.

Either way, it made for a nice and relaxing trip.

The problem now is what we're going to do in Bredon.

Catherine's aunt lives there as an innkeeper, and apparently she's unmarried. I wonder if she has the same verbal tic as Catherine. It would be funny to see an unmarried middle-aged woman saying 'nyaa'.

Bredon itself was much bigger than Erast. It had high walls, and quite a large garrison. The layout of the town was rather similar to Border Town, with three rings. This time, however, the inner ring also included the Church.

Seems suspicious to me. Apart from its large size, Bredon is the same as any old town. Why would the Church fortify its presence there? What benefits could they possibly get from it?

Whatever it is, I hope that I don't get involved with it. But alas, whenever I say that, I actually do end up getting involved.

Just like that time with the Adventurer's Guild and Khardin's exploration. And also Gorund's competition.

It's like I'm a natural trouble magnet. I'm starting to see why most MC's of novels are so edgy. Who can even deal with this?! It's one trouble after another, and I have barely any time for myself or to get stronger!

Also, I really want to spend some quality time relaxing with Catherine and Arin. It's been two months since we started dating, and we haven't really done anything yet.

Ah, I almost forgot. I finally have a named skeleton! I made a special armor for him, and his name is… Gilgamesh!

Yes, the Mesopotamian Hero King! Why is that his name? Well, he's the protagonist of his own Epic poem! Is that not enough? Really? Then how about the fact that he's a treasure magnet? Just by being near him, you get riches and treasures like you've never seen before!

And at one point, he'd gathered enough weapons to form a gate with them! I'm not sure about the historical accuracy of that one though.

Anyway, the point is that he's also been a king. A rich king, at that. What it all boils down to, is that he'll help me as my advisor. Using his natural money charm, we can fill our coffers with enough money to last several lifetimes.

With is immense knowledge of ruling, we can create the best kingdom ever.

Alas, he's not a warrior or a general, so he can't really help with military affairs. He is a good organizer though.

He's suggested that I use a military hierarchy similar to that of ancient Rome, which I was going to use anyway. However, Gilgamesh was obviously not alive during the Roman times, which meant he came up with the idea himself. Brilliant!

Oh, that's right. He's able to speak. I've figured out that I can transplant certain parts of certain bodies onto skeletons, so I've moved Kerda's vocal cords over. Sounds weird to have the voice of my former enemy advise me in stuff, but I can't find any other vocal cords any time soon.

And it's not just Skeletons that I can transplant things onto! I can do it with anything that's dead. So, I can actually transplant a headless horse onto the upper body of a ghoul. It'll be a centaur!

As I've said before, I'm a firm believer in not wasting resources. Therefore, I'll also transplant the head of the horse onto the lower body of a ghoul. A literal horseman! It probably won't work as a cavalry unit though.

I'm proud of myself. I'm saving the world from global warm – *ahem* death!

Oh, we're almost at Bredon. Tonight, I'll name another skeleton. I wonder what name I should use?


I've decided! The name will be… Arthur Pendragon!

Yet again, another King. However, Arthur is known as the King of Knights. His first sword, Caliburn, or more commonly known as the Sword in the Stone, is the basis of the Knight's Rose.

It was said that Caliburn broke after King Arthur participated in a duel which forced him to break the code of knights. Something about fighting another knight by a river bank who had a stick, but he couldn't win so Merlin put him to sleep or something.

So shameless!

Either way, King Arthur received Excalibur after that. Also, Excalibur's scabbard makes him immortal. A skeleton's body can be a pretty good replacement for it then, right?

Unfortunately, Arthur can't speak yet because I don't have any spare vocal cords. However, he can at least guide Catherine in Swordsmanship.

Also, I'll probably try to forge a version of Excalibur that a certain female held during a certain war.

As for the scabbard… that will probably have to wait till I get divinity.

King Arthur will also act as a good general. His merry band of round table knights were said to have defended Camelot for many years. Maybe I should name all of his knights as well.

However, I probably shouldn't make Lancelot for now… who knows if he'll run off with my women. Although it's not very likely since he's a skeleton, I'd rather not take any chances.

I don't want to lose my boner to a set of bones.

Now that a second skeleton has been named, I have a total of two advisers. Gilgamesh for ruling, and Arthur for military. All I need now is an economic ruler, and then one who is good at the underbelly.

After that, I'm all set to make a kingdom! Though the one thing I'll really need is land.

My next skeleton will be named when we get to Bredon.

Also, I wonder if a skeleton can be female? I'm thinking of naming her Joan of Arc. But as of right now, she'd probably be 3-stars instead of 5. Hm? I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. Why would historical figures be rated with stars?


Sigh… Bredon is within sight. I should hide all of my undead again. Hopefully I don't meet any Church officials. Then again, I feel like I could get along with some. After all, they seem to have some… lolico – *ahem* healthy young women within their ranks.

Wait, neither of them are alright! Uh… they leech money in the form of offerings! No, that won't work. They bless you with fake water! Again, not going to work! Sigh… I give up. There's obviously nothing good about the Church.
