

"...And we're back to our regularly scheduled programming at XX: XX xm!"



"Are you sure you aren't a Historian, but a Comedian?"






Meanwhile, in a dark control room, littered with wires, pizza boxes and Coke cans were strewn about. And where the only source of light was the blue glowing screens of computer monitors, was a seemingly Asian man dressed in a navy blue yukata {1} sitting on a swivel chair with a man dressed in dark blue ninja garbs standing behind him.

The man was seemingly Asian because he had a pair of light grey eyes which were just like Kanna's. The only exception was that it was as if his eyes were a sharp blade that could cut straight through you.

He was intently staring at a certain screen among the countless monitors in the room.] The monitor had the brother and sister duo shown in the same room they were in previously. The man's eye rows we're furrowed at the scene and his eyes showed a trace of confusion.

"Tori, I won't ask why they aren't blindfolded since I was the one that was worried that they might be traumatized by it."


"I won't ask on when did my son get an emo haircut because I haven't seen him for quite some time and it might just be a phase."


"What I will ask is; Why are they so calm?"

The ninja was puzzled by his Lord's response. He couldn't fathom why his Lord was concerned about something so trivial.


"I mean, I guess that it's nice that they're calm, but they're only children, right?"


"But come on! Not even a little reaction? I mean they're only 11 and 10 right? At that age, when I was suddenly knocked out and woke up in a strange room with my twin brother, both of us was calling for Mother and were peeing and sh*tting our pants!"

"Wait, you were doing what, Sir?"

The ninja was once again greatly surprised about what his Lord had just spouted out. But he still remembered the main reason they kidnapped his Lord's children in the first place.

"More importantly, the entire purpose of doing this was to Awaken them, regardless of their reaction or mental state during the process."

"But still..."

"Sir. Press the button already."


The Lord raised his finger and pressed it on a small red button right in front of him.









"Shaddap. At least say it with a different expression than 'sleepy' on your face!"

The rumbling continued and the room they were in started to shake as if an earthquake was occurring at the moment. The characters glowed more intensely than before and started to glow in weird and rapid patterns.

This continued for a few seconds before everything around them was engulfed in a bright white light.

And that's all for this chapter. Still hasn't gotten my laptop fixed. I'll try to make up for it this or next week.

Lunucreators' thoughts