


Back in Imperial, Yue Ling suddenly sneezed while looking over some reports. She sniffles with a frown and sets the papers down.

Is someone talking about her?

"Is someone talking about you?"

Just as she thought the question, Liu Shan asked aloud as he entered her office. He had heard her sneeze and found it odd since no windows were open and the company is always clean without a speck of dust.

Yue Ling glances at her assistant and slightly narrows her eyes.

"I think I have my suspicions on who it is."

Liu Shan scoffs in utter disbelief. He comes to a stop in front of her desk with the black design book in his left hand.

He bent his right arm and placed his hand on his hip. He also didn't forget to fling his head like he was throwing his long invisible hair back.


He makes a stern expression with a voice full of fierce attitude.
