

I was lying in the bed when I heard someone talking they were kind of whispering but I could hear each word they were talking about me the lady who claimed to be my mother said " what happened to her doctor she doesn't recognize me I am her mother and OK don't know why she shouted in the bathroom she is acting so weird what is going on doctor "

Then the doctor replied " calm down mam I think she lost her memory after talking to her I will be able to know what had actually happened to her so when she wake up call me "

After sometimes

I opened my eyes and found that I was in a hospital bed then I slowly sat up and saw that the lady was holding my hands and was in a deep sleep then I slowly removed my hand from hers then I slowly reach for the edge of the bed and then I snatches all the syringes that were attach to my hand and went to a bathroom and again can see my face in the mirror I slowly touched my face it was not longer mine this time I was calm I closed my eyes then saw the girl whose face I was in I can see her crying holding a photo frame she was on a terrace and then suddenly she jumped from the terrace she spoke something before falling I was unable to hear that but suddenly tears dropped from my eyes and I could figure out I was transferred to her body and she is no more I started crying " why god why.... Why I am alive I have no reason to live she had a mother at least who loved her I have noone send her back and take me away OK don't want to live I started sobbing loudly then the lady came running and held me in her arms and said what happened dear are you alright are you hurt what happened why are you crying and shouted for the doctor.
