

Violet turned her entire body away as fast as she could. Not daring to look back. Trying her best not to be noticed. King saw her weird reaction and tried to see outside what made her react that way.

What he saw was a smartly dressed man surrounded by bodyguards and was followed by a group of reporters. The man was looking around in each restaurant he passed by. Right now, that very man was standing just a few distance away from the glass window that the couple were sitting. The hostess earlier moved forward to talk to the man.

"What's with you V?" questioned King as he leaned sideways to look past Violet.

"Shushhhh! Tha-that's" Violet held a finger to her mouth to warn King. And waved towards him to stop from leaning sideways.

"Who?" asked King full of curiosity and lowered his voice.

"Shushh. Don't be so obvious! Sit properly!" Violet whispered to reprimand him.

"Why are you like this?" King whispered back.
