

Earlier when Koran began to dig deep underground he spent a lot of time digging out lots of tunnels.

Each tunnel was spaced out enough so that they were stable enough that if something light stepped above it would not collapse.

However for a pack of wolves it would be a different story, their combined weight set off the 'trap' and all of thin tunnels began to collapse beneath their feet one by one.

Finally resulting in all of the wolves falling into a large hole while the surrounding dirt, mud and rocks continued to fall in with them and cover their fallen bodies.

During the confusion a look of anger surfaced on the leader wolfs face. "Y.. you!"

The rabbit ignored the wolf which only served to fuel the wolf's rage.

During this short time a figure came out of hiding behind a large rock, during the time that the wolves were chasing Koran they had failed to notice that they had passed by someone hidden nearby.

Laune stepped onto the path quietly, each step lightly touched the ground and her breathing became more calm and steady.

Unknown to the wolf she had arrived behind him just as his focus was entirely on the rabbit opposite the trap.

She lowered her body ready to leap onto her prey while trying to calm her accelerating heart beat.

The rabbit looked at the scene, his eyes remained on the wolf and mocked him. "Come! What's wrong? Want to kill me?"

The provocation helped to keep the wolf's focus locked on him, the wolf itself was a rank higher than Laune and had an adult build so fighting one on one would be difficult, especially with her lack of combat experience.

Seeing that it was working he began to laugh at the foolish wolf in his mind, finally he saw the figure of Laune leap into the air behind the wolf and firmly grab the wolf by the back of its neck.

Her teeth sunk into the neck of wolf while her jaw firmly held on tightly and began to start applying more pressure.

Her front claws dug into the top of the wolf's front legs ripping at the muscle causing the wolf to be unstable and unable to bear the weight on top of it.

Her body weight shifted and her back paws hit the ground as the wolf began to fall, her eyes stayed on her enemies movements.

The wolf had been caught unprepared and fell to the ground began to think of how to escape.

He tried to use his bodies strength of roll out of the grip of the attacker but his front legs could not exert their full strength because of the the ripped muscles and tendons.

He could only rely on his back legs, trying to kick himself into a position more favourable.

However his body had already been pinned to the ground and unable to move because of the unfavourable position and his injuries.

Seeing his struggle a murderous look appeared in Laune's eyes, the wolf had his throat completely exposed.

She stopped one of her front claws front tearing the at the wolf's legs and the other dug into his skin holding him in position.

The next moment her nails went deep into the wolf's throat, shortly after the wolf leader stopped his struggle and became silent.

His howls of pain during this short time woke up his companions nearby who were still dazed from their fall.

The wolves remaining in the large hole in the ground began to climb to their feet again one by one.

The hole they fell in did not have a stable way to escape so their clumsy movements caused the surrounding mud and dirt to collapse and fall into the hole too.

They began to crawl back out of the hole slowly one by one but their leaders howls of pain planted a brief seed of fear in their hearts.

They climbed their way out until the howling stopped, the first one to reach near the top saw a pair of amber eyes looking down at them.

The fear they had begun to feel began to multiply, their leader was their pack leader, their alpha, their idol but the sounds of their leaders final howls now only served to point out how bad the enemy was.

The enemy took out their tactical and spiritual support from taking out the leader, put them into a place hard to escape and even if they do get out the enemy is waiting for them patiently.

The worst parts were that the enemy had the high ground and the wolves wasted a lot of energy chasing the rabbit earlier and the rest was being used to escape from the hole in the ground.

Their teamwork was shattered, their escape routes were all blocked, the only route available was through the enemy but the current situation only allowed one to escape at a time so fighting alone was too risky.

There was also the unknown, they did not know their enemy at all..

Their numbers and strength were a complete mystery, they had witnessed the rabbit and just now noticed the tiger after their leaders death so they could not help but think their were more enemies above them.
