

I was running fast because I am late for tuition for playing video games. I will really get a scolding from Max if I am late again.

I was at the door when something caught my leg and the next second I was faced down in front of a person in a bowing position. The person wear boy's clothing so I assume that the person is a boy and I was so embarrassed that I didn't look at his face and blurted out "how embarrassing to bow in front of a little boy ".

Kyle said that the one I am talking about is a girl so I looked up and saw a very cute girl with short hair. She has dark chocolate eyes , brown hair , red lips and pinkish cheeks. If she grew out her hair she will be more cute and pretty than before.

As I was thinking, I was so embarrassed in front of the girl that I nervously blurted out boy again. She seems to be angry so I give out the facts why I was thinking that she was a boy not to anger her.

After stating the fact another new kid spoke.

"You won't be saying that to my sister if you taste her fis... " .Before finishing his last words a fist was connected to my stomach. I feel on the ground in pain that was really good punch.

After that a sweet voice spoke " I am a girl you are the first person to call me a boy".

I look up and saw that the one who punched me is the little girl. It was hard to believe that punch was from a girl.

Suddenly Max came to the room and ask what's going on and why are we fighting. After narrating the whole story, Max punished both of us by making us stand with our hands up in the air for a whole 30 minutes.

While standing I asked the girl what her name is. She looks very annoyed and answered after a long minute.

Her name is Lilith and I thought Lilith is a nice name and I also introduced myself.

After introducing myself l apologised for before. She looks a little surprised and said its okay.
