

They sighed as they knew that the Dark lord isn't gonna be happy, but still for survival, they started speaking in a truthful voice, they had given up all hope of tricking Ryusei, "We four are the spies of the Organization. We have been asked to take note of different towns, return back here once a month, make use of our abilities, and take the food and money."

Ryusei's expression didn't change, he didn't feel even a single bit of shock at this revelation, he had already guessed that this must have been the case. No, not a guess but he was sure otherwise what were they doing here, drinking the fucking tea!

He was serious right now as a cold light flashed in his eyes, "What's the motive of your all this? Why does your lord ask for food and money from the Bright Silver Town, no, it may not be the only town? There must be many other towns that this happens, isn't that right?"

Both of them lowered their heads as they heard his words, they still didn't know just how he was able to guess so correctly. It was kind of weird that Ryusei knew about them so much. It was like whatever they wanted to say would already be known by Ryusei.

They nodded their heads as Ryusei was right, they looked towards each other and wondered 'The fuck… Why did we have to encounter this monster? He is strong enough to beat all of us and then torturing us like we have murdered his entire family. I feel as if it is very-very unfair for us to be caught by him. Those two were lucky enough to be saved from this guy…'

They started speaking, "Actually, we are also not clear about the use of the gold coins and the food, it is something that the Dark Lord has asked of us… It seems as if he wants the reason to remain a secret from the organization."

Ryusei's expression remained the same as he started speaking out loud, "So, the Dark Lord has another elite force that he hasn't told you guys about it." Both of their faces were filled with confusion but they knew that it was definitely possible.

Ryusei sighed in disappointment as he completely ate the apple right in front of their eyes and a cold aura was thrown onto their bodies, they heard, "Aren't you two useless then? Any other information is just going to be a waste… Die now!"

With that he turned around and started moving back towards his inn… the absolute look of despair and the hopelessness let him experience an extreme amount of satisfaction, he felt as if this was how they should deal with these types of people.

These spies, these members of the organization were the ones who nearly killed Feng Cai'er, he wouldn't have any mercy for these people or these trashes. He turned towards Lin Yanluo and saw him pondering over the method with which he decided to obtain information from these two spies.

He looked towards Lin Yanluo as he ordered him, "Stay here and watch their last moments, I want you to remember the despair on their faces. This is what you have to make the people feel when you interrogate them, see how they will lose their lives."

Lin Yanluo bowed his head as he heard the order, he didn't have any problem to this order, he was also curious as to what these two might do other than die. The second reason was that he was worried, worried that by some off chance someone may come and save them.

That would be very bad for them, now that these spies had seen their faces that would turn out very bad for them. This was also a training drill for Lin Yanluo, to prepare him emotionally about how to treat his enemies.

There is no need to even think of mercy for them, the best tactic was to always go with the most ruthless tactic. Use everything in a fight as the last one standing is the winner, nobody cares for the one who has died.

This was an eternal truth!

After he assigned that task to Lin Yanluo, he turned his head in the direction in which the explosion took place, his expression turned serious as he took a deep breath and started running towards that direction.

He didn't use any of his Spirit Ability as he didn't want anyone to sense him coming, he wanted to spy up on the Dark Lord and the Phantom Brotherhood, he wanted to know just how strong were the regular members of the organization were.

It would change his future plans and he may be ready for a counter-attack by the Dark Lord. He wasn't running too fast so that he could prevent any unwanted noise that could alert the Enemy.

Ryusei finally reached the place where the explosion took place, he hid behind a tree and observed the surroundings. The whole building had exploded and only ruins were left, Ryusei could still sense his Thunderfire Dragon's Energy.

He was a bit suprised that the Dark Lord didn't try to nullify his affinity. Was it because he couldn't? Or that he wanted Ryusei to reach this place? He could not see a single member of the Phantom Brotherhood, it was as if they were not even here at this place.

If there weren't Black coloured dead bodies of the members of the Phantom Brotherhood, even Ryusei would have been fooled into thinking that the guy came to an open space so as to let the Thunderfire Dragon Explode.

Ryusei used his Mirage Eyes and used its Ability: Spirit Spy. He wanted to be sure if there wasn't anyone here or not, or if someone was hiding here just like him. His cold smirk widened as he saw another person who seemed to be observing the location which had exploded.

Ryusei thought of the most probable theory behind this 'He must be one of the members, Dark Lord must have set him here so that he can remember the one who came to observe this location.'

His smirk widened as the more he thought about this, his head started working as it gave him a mischievous idea 'You want to know my identity. Alright then, here you have it…' His Mirage Eyes flashed with a Golden Light as he started moving towards the former Dark Lord's hideout.

His height increased and he had the height of a middle-aged person, his hairs transformed into long Golden Locks, and his face turned feminine. But that wasn't all, another man with a White mask on his face, dressed in Black, some plates covering his shoulders.

These were precisely Yue Guan and Gui Mei, the ones who had destroyed his Clan in a day. He had decided to confuse the Dark Lord with this move, this was something that should be out of expectations for the Dark Lord.

(A/N: For now, I will mention Yue Guan and Gui Mei, not Ryusei as this is how the illusion is going on.)

He would never imagine that it was someone who used an illusion and tricked him into making the Spirit Hall their enemy. Yue Guan and Gui Mei walked towards the destroyed hideout…

Yue Guan sighed as he saw the condition, he tilted his head slightly as he spoke with a disappointed expression, "Looks like we can't get anything from here. And here I thought that we would be able to get a clue this time… Looks like the Spirit Hall will have to wait more now."

Gui Mei nodded as both of them searched for something in the rubbles, it was just a trick to fool the spy who was observing him. After a while, Yue Guan spoke once again, "Ohh well… Let's return and inform the Supreme Pontiff about this."

Gui Mei nodded as they turned their backs and got out of that place, the spy who was observing them had a terrified expression on his face. He didn't expect that Spirit Hall was involved in this explosion.

The Spy didn't expect that the Spirit Hall seemed to be aware of its existence 'Wasn't the Organization supposed to be very secretive? Why do I feel like many people know about it?' He left the area as he knew that he had to inform Dark Lord about this info, it was incredibly important.
