
The worth of some cloth I

//June 6. 10:00 pm//

Bellatrix had been convincing herself that what she was doing had been the right thing. Just kill the baby, and get back on the good side of her Lord. A little sacrifice is all it takes to be back as his right hand. Lucius usually goes to bed around 8:30 pm. She had more than enough time to do this.

Bellatrix flooed into Malfoy Manor and headed straight for her sister's room. As she opened the door, she hoped that her sister would be asleep as she should be.


Cold blood ran down her spine as she dreaded the idea of what she was about to do to her conscious sister.

"Hello sister." Bellatrix responded with a wry smile.

She carefully closed the door behind her, careful not to wake or alarm her brother-in-law wherever he may be. She slowly approached her sister's bedside and sat down on a chair there.

"How is the baby?" Bellatrix asked, not truly out of concern, but she had nothing she could say.

Narcissa looked up at her sister with a very tired but happy smile, and she tightly grasped Bellatrix's hand.

"Oh he was wonderful sister. Right before he was born, he consumed a magical beast's spirit! You know what this means. My son will be so powerful when he grows up! And he didn't cry. He laughed sister. My baby boy laughed! He was so glad to see us- ugh!"

Bellatrix leapt up to her feet, concerned about her sister's well being. 'Wait. Before he was born?' she thought. Looking down at her stomach she noticed something missing. The room was too dark, only lit by the moonlight that slipped passed the dark curtains that she hadn't noticed her sister's flat stomach.

"Down worry sister. I'm alright. Wounds come will all births." Narcissa reassured her sister.

Bellatrix had gasped. What will she do now? The baby that was supposed to be there was gone! 'Wait.' Her mind begun reeling, and she realized that this was no problem at all. In fact, it was a blessing. 'this is wonderful! I could kill the baby without worrying about harming my sister in the process!'

Bellatrix smiled joyfully as she let her sister go on and on about her wonderful boy. How she would register him herself as soon as she could walk. Draco Lucius Malfoy. Lucius after his father, and Draco out of recognition for his Black blood. She had deliberated on this for months but now deemed it appropriate with the reptilian spirit that had appeared. She went on and on about how she would buy him all sorts of presents, and how she expected presents from Bellatrix as well. It didn't take long for Narcissa to fall back to sleep, Afterall, she had been tired out from giving birth and was heavily dosed on blood-replenishing, pain relief, and other healing-potions.

When they had been talking, Lucius had been alarmed about the sudden floo usage in his house and investigated. But when he found out that it was only his sister-in-law who came to visit, and was currently chatting happily with his wife, he let his guard down and went back to sleep. He would only later realize, that this had been his greatest mistake of his life long after everything had already been done.

Bellatrix had waited until she heard her sister's soft snores before she stood up and proceeded to carry out what she had come here to do. 'Just down the hall to the right.' As her sister had willingly told her without her even asking.

Bellatrix carefully opened the door, cautious to not alert the child sleeping within. But it was all for naught, as the door had creaked open. Slowly entering with light footsteps, Bellatrix cast a 'Silencio', not taking any chances lest the child start crying.

Bellatrix walked closer to the crib and admired how the baby inside had such white milk-like skin, soft and lustrous baby hair (definitely a child of his father), and a nose and mouth just like her sister's. Bellatrix leans in and carried the cute child in her arms, but she was wary.

The child had been looking back at her with such intelligent eyes, calculating, and trying to distinguish whether she was friend or foe. Was she being paranoid? Maybe she was for she gently prodded his head with Legilimency. She knew it was wrong, what baby could possibly stand having their minds jabbed at? So she perform the gentlest legilimency she could do.

Her silencio turned out to be a good preparation, for the baby had visibly winced. Her worries had turned out to be pointless for the baby's brain was so empty. Containing memories of only a few hours. She dared not prod further for she was scared of hurting him and knew that there was nothing a child aged a few hours could possibly hide.

Bellatrix berated herself for even doubting a baby, and was now proudly smiling at the baby who only winced and did not cry out at her legilimency.

'It seems this infant is quite naturally talented in the mind arts. Just like. . . like. . . me.'

Thoughts had run through Bellatrix's minds. Thoughts she had been holding back the whole time ever since Voldemort had ordered them to 'Kill'. She stared at the lovely baby with noble-features. 'His nose is just like his mother's who inherited it from our father. His mouth just like his mother's who inherited it from our mother. The very same lips I inheritted.'

'The blood running through him is just like mine. Strong, powerful, pure, and leaking with power. I wonder if my child would be like him? Would my child also laugh and smile when they see me? Would their tiny hands grasp my pinky just like this child? Would they inherit my nose and my mouth as well?'

But no. She would never have a child. Not in this lifetime, and it hurt her deeper and stronger than any cruciatus curse had and ever will.

'Why must we kill our babies? Why must we shed our own blood when they are as pure as it could possibly be? I followed him since he promised to protect the pure of blood. So why must our blood be shed now?'

A thousand thoughts had swarmed Bellatrix's mind, getting stronger the longer she stared at her nephew's eyes.

'He is a child of Black. The only child of Black. The only one born from the last line of my family. Cousin Sirius and Sister Andromeda are blood traitors. Cousin Regulus is dead. Only Sister Cissy and I are left, but I have failed my only purpose. Cissy is our last hope to birthing an heir, so that the Blacks don't become just a name and now. . . her only son must die?! BLASPHEMY!!! This can't be! I will never let it be!!!

I will save you. You must live little Draco. You must live and show the Dark Lord that we purebloods are priceless! You must grow up well and show everyone our worth.'

Bellatrix held Draco even tighter. Forming a resolution, she would never regret. Her smile turns sadder, thinking of the consequences she would face but she is joyful thinking that little Draco could live and later on assume his rightful birthright as Black heir.

"We finally meet my nephew but now I need to take you somewhere safe, somewhere protected, far far where he can't kill you; Afterall, how will you be able to serve the Dark Lord if you're dead?!"

Bellatrix watched in amazement as she felt the buzz of magic around little Draco. She was exited to finally feel the amazing magic her sister had been gushing on and on about. 'Definitely' she thought. 'I definitely haven't made a mistake. I would sin against the world if I were to let his life end now.'

Bellatrix began thinking of what she must do. Her sister cannot register little Draco if she wants to let him escape from this dreadful war, so Bellatrix herself must do it. And she felt proud as an idea popped up in her mind.

"I Bellatrix Lestrange née Black, under the witness of magic herself, name thee Draco Lucius Malfoy, born of Narcissa Malfoy née Black and Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. I also name thee my progeny, and as Draco Lucius Malfoy-Black heir of the two last loyal lines of the most Noble and Ancient House of Black, I hereby proclaim you automatice Black heir during your first comming of age or through post mortem of I and Narcissa Malfoy. Let this be my will, per sanguinem, per magicae!"

'little Draco, may you come back to us when your Black blood awakens form deep within you. And may you be safe and live a long prosperous life, as your mother and I would want you to live. May we meet again my nephew and progeny, and I would love and care for you as my own.'

Bellatrix flees to Knockturn Alley under the guise of night and memorizes his features for the last time in a long while, before paying the smuggler to smuggle him out of the country before the dawn of day. She then goes back to her ancestral home to seek comfort from her father. Cygnus was worried about his daughter who had been crying, but she would not speak. If only his wife Druella were still alive, she'd know what to say to comfort her weeping daughter.




//June 7//

When the dawn of day came, Bellatrix knew that everything was now set in stone, Draco should no longer be here and his life shall be kept a secret until he returns. It was then that Bellatrix remembered something important. It was only heaven sent that everyone else in Black Manor had already fallen asleep after comforting her all night. Oh how grateful she was for her whole family (except the blood traitors of course).

She carefully, but swiftly ran up the stairs to the family room where the Black family tree tapestry had laid bare to everyone who enters the room. It had been a good thing that no one entered the room before her and discovered a new face magically embroidered onto the tapestry.

There right under his mother's portrait was Draco's immature face, complete with a ribbon with his name and his birth-year. There were also vines coming from her own branches latching onto Draco's own branches. How joyful Bellatrix was at this little detail, but no one must know.

Bellatrix took out her wand and carefully traced some lines in the tapestry that she wished to cut. "Diffindo" she cast several times, until she had cleanly severed her sister's and her son's portraits from the tree.

If anyone were to ask, she would just say that she took her sister's portrait for sentimental reasons. Besides, the tapestry could easily be mended any time as long as the cloth had not been burnt.

Bellatrix gently folded the cloth with great care and hid it in her inner robe's chest pocket. Another great idea popped into her head, but before she could act on it, her mark began throbbing.

'The Dark Lord is calling for me!'







[1] Again not random. These are all living Black family members during the year 1980. Of course the year isn't really 1980 since I moved the Harry potter timeline several years into the future to match with Ironman but hey, I'm doing my best 'ere.

//If you find any spelling/grammar error. Please point them out to me, I would greatly apreciate it, thanks!//


I'm not sure how to write Harry so please give me feedback!


Should I make harry a transmigrated character from a Drarry, Tomarry, or Timetravel!Harry fic?

a.) Yes, Drarry -> Draco will remain single but tons of innuendos. No PDA

b.) Yes, Tomarry -> Tons of misunderstandings that Draco is actually Tom Riddle. However, same situation as above

c.) Future Harry also travels to the past -> I might make him MOD to fit the story unless requested otherwise. More, but different, misunderstandings between Harry and Draco.

d.) No, Harry should remain canon.

e.) Others. Please express your thoughts in the comment section Thank you

Regardless of your choice I will still appreciate any and all feedback. That's why I asked for this poll to start with hahahha. Timelimit is when Harry appears. Its not too far off. I will write based on the majority vote. I'm cool with any result cause I love all results. ?. Love you guys

Current poll results: If the count is weird, that is because I'm counting votes on two sites.

Drarry - 5

Tomarry - 2.5

TimetravelHarry - 2.7

CanonHarry - 1.3

FemHarry - 4 (though I'm still thinking over this one and no promises)

SurpriseMe- 0.5

CLARIFICATION: It seems a lot of people are choosing fem harry because they dont want Draco to have a romantic relationship with Harry unless he's a she. Now I'm sorry drarry fans, but if drarry happens, no drarry will actually happen in this fic. This will only mean that Harry will come from a Drarry universe (thus more hilarious and beautiful chaos will ensue) but sadly, I plan for no romance to actually happen until waay waaayyy into the future. So people to choose fem harry, I'm sorry but SPOILER: (I dont plan for Draco to end up with harry, at most they will be best friends like james and sirius). Some can be assured however, that the romance that may happen is vanilla and will happen with SPOILER: (someone who was mentioned probably only once if at all in the 7 HP books)

This will NOT be a slash fic, it will mostly be about Action, Adventure, Family, Comedy, and Drama.

Omg... I wrote this story to make Draco suffer. But instead Draco made everyone around him suffer! Lol XD

MoistJuicyLemoncreators' thoughts