
chapter 65: Sky duel

The two Pokemons in the sky had experienced a gruesome battle while Snorlax, Onix and Piloswine dealt with their opponents.

The Elite peak shiny pidgeot and the Pseudo king beedrill were at each other's throat throughout the duration of Pokemon Tide attack.

And now the grievance both had towards each other would settle down.

They readied themselves for the final attack to decide the outcome of the battle.

An hour ago,

In the sky, Pidgeot and Beedrill attacked each other and had entered their most powerful state.

Beedrill covered her stingers with poison which increased the lethality of it. By doing this, the chances of poisoning through stingers have increased greatly.

It's piercing power as well as strength also increased under the blessing of poison power.

Pidgeot in the other hand, entered the wind force and strengthen his claws.

It is the strongest as well as the most useless part of him. He doesn't use his claws for attack and hence it isn't much stronger.

It is the only part of the body whose loss of function during the battle wouldn't affect the fight too adversely.

If he powered his wings then he would use wings to collide with the stinger and protect himself but if the wings are too injured then he cannot fight in the air properly.

This will put him at a disadvantage against the beedrill and he would be sitting slowpoke for him.

If his claws are hurt or injured, he won't be able to sit it settle on the ground but he could still fly to dodge and preserve himself.

Under the influence of wind force, the claws of pidgeot shimmered in blue and it's power as well as cutting potential increased vigorously.

Earlier with his claws, pidgeot can give heavy gush marks to the thick tree trunks and now with the wind force he could bring down the tree in a single swipe of his claw.

Then the two at lightning fast speed flew towards each other and the claws and stingers clashed in the sky.

The collisions of wind and poison power sent out shockwaves around them and most people could only locate them by following the creation point of these shockwaves.

These shockwaves hurt the combee around pidgeot unintentionally. They were just too weak to stand the aftermath.

As for what these combee were doing out there, they were there to heal pidgeot but it seemed that healing would have to wait until the opportunity arrives.

Claydol said to Vespiqueen," It would be better of you save the combee for later. For minute injuries, pidgeot could handle but it is the heavier ones which are worth fearing.

If you keep sending them out now, there would be a severe lack of potential helpers for both us and pidgeot.

Use them wisely. Their battle would last for sometime with the physical stamina of pidgeot and beedrill. " He told her.

On hearing this Vespiqueen buzzed at Claydol," So we do nothing. And fly here doing nothing and watch him get injured."

" I heard from Slowking that pidgeot had the greatest control over his wind element. He has even more control then the two. So it is not difficult for pidgeot to last an hour in the fight.

The real problem is just how gravely he will be injured after the battle. We would need at least one of us to support him while other to protect him in case things went array or we are put on siege by the flying Pokemons. " Claydol explained his thoughts to Vespiqueen.

Vespiqueen was reluctant but agreed in the end.

" Fine, I will do as you say, but if it appears that things are going way out of our hands, I will intervene." She said strongly.

" I will ask you for nothing else. Now we have to deal with the small fries with as little energy expenditure as possible.

I have a feeling that pidgeot would need our help later in the fight." Claydol said with a hint of certainity .

They have dealt would most of the leaders of the flying Pokemons, so they aren't as well organised in the attack as before. Other leaders of the group are held back by Jim and his coharts. There are Pokemon who even have some thoughts of fleeing.

The only thing that makes sure that they didn't is that Beedrill is still active and so long as he is there, there will not be any retreat from the flying Pokemons.

This is something Claydol sensed from the Pokemons around him. So the best bet of victory is to end the leader, who happen to be Beedrill.

Yet neither claydol nor Vespiqueen could be of any help in the high level battle going on between the two.

And they will only be a hindrance for pidgeot, so he convinced the emotional Vespiqueen to hold back until the right moment.

So they decided to deal with the weaker ones here so the pressure up front could be reduced a little.

Beedrill and Pidgeot's war raged for about an hour and in this time every ten to fifteen minutes duration some combee would fly towards Pidgeot to heal him at Vespiqueen command.

This was the only thing which managed to keep the pidgeot from losing against the superior foe.

Many of the hits from the stinger fell in pidgeot which made multiple puncture on the body of pidgeot.

One such hit almost hit the heart of pidgeot but his natural instincts preserved hos life. And the very close death encounter made him unleash even more power and he swept the wind power to the wings and cut down the stinger.

This fight had allowed pidgeot to swap the wind power fron his talons to the wings from time to time and increase his chances of victory.

These battle had benefitted Pidgeot a lot. If there was another showdown between Beedrill abd Pidgeot he may breath through to the pseudo king stage but it won't be possible.

Beedrill is crippled and had no chances to leaving the war alive so she spent all her effort to deal with the persistent foe she had encountered in this war.

After an hour of intense fight, the final outcome is just round the corner.

They readied themselves for the final strike.

Pidgeot used his excellent control to cover himself with the wind power, something which only king level Pokemons are capable of.

This form is much weaker thsn the king level but still powerful for pseudo king Pokemons.

Beedrill on the other hand mobilised his entire poison power on the only usable arm and dashed towards pidgeot.

The blue glowing pidgeot rushed for the beedrill.

As soon as they collided the cloud around themselves began to spread apart and float away from the strong force of the shockwave their attack created.

The sky was clear and when the wind around them calmed down only pidgeot was left flying though he had a dark purple spot on his wings which was slowly spreading.

Claydol and Vespiqueen arrived at his side quickly. Claydol used his psychic to slow down the poison spreading through his body.

As soon as they arrived by his side, he lost his conscience and fainted die to pain, tiredness or poison, no one knows except Pidgeot himself.

While Vespiqueen supported him and tried to heal his serious wounds which have started to bleed out.

Claydol tried to sense and contact Espeon so she could use refresh and try to subdue or eject the poison out of his body.

Claydol's distressed psychic search attracted Xatu attention who arrived there and saw pidgeot situation.

He told them," You sll continue to fight, i will take him back at the Laboratory. There he could be healed.

He is too injured to continue fighting and needs to rest now. "

Claydol and Vespiqueen agreed to this and handed over pidgeot to Xatu who teleported away.

The just below them was the body of the beedrill cut down in half by pidgeot in his last attack. But no one paid attention to it. He was left there.

Pidgeot defeated Beedrill although he himself was out for the count.

Next will be the epic clash between Akex strongest Pokemon, Electabuzz and the Commander of the whole Tide, Nidoking.

Stay tuned

To be continued....
