
chapter 25 : Possible pokemons

Alex has spent complete one hour thinking about how he will arrange his formation. The desktop has granted him enough information about what pokemons will be the most probable participants in this invasion.

There will be grass type, flying type, rock type, bug type, normal as well as fighting type and even poison type pokemons have high chances of appearing in his battlefront along with one or two other types like water and fire type.

He really wished he had a steel type with him. The chances of a fire type appearing is rare. Then again water, dragon, ice and ghost types wouldn't appear in the riot.

Almost all the ghost pokemons in this southern region of Kanto are controlled or are under the direct command of Gengar and since he isn't participating in this, their appearance is almost negligent.

Of course there is a possibility that some will be in it too. After all not everyone likes to listen to others.

If dragon types are involved in this, then the elite four too will be involved personally in that case. They are too rare and powerful so their presence makes everyone cautious . If Alex encounters one in this one, he would probably try to catch one.

Though the only place where the dragon type may attack would be the lake. In that case, there might be Dragonair or Horsea, seadra and even Kingdra or Dragonite may be present.

But their number won't be much. They would probably be one of the pseudo king pokemons leading this raid.

Ice type pokemons won't be present in this part of the battlefield. Most of the Ice type has water sub type and they won't reveal themselves here. The temperature around is too warm to accommodate the ice Pokemons.

The others if present would be in the battlefield closer to the mountains. They aren't fast enough to appear here.

The only possible ones ice pokemons would be sneasel, weavile and delibird.

water types may appear but their number would be less compared to those who would arrive near the river.

The fire type found in this area included only Ponyta and houndour along with their evolved forms.

The Vulpix and Growlithe pokemon lines because of the power of their evolved forms, are rarely found in the wild and if found are either caught by other trainers or by poachers to be sold at high prices in the black market.

Their beautiful and majestic evolved forms of Ninetails and Arcanine are something many yearn to have in their team.

The other lines are the starter Charmander and cyndaquil line. They are too popular to be found in the wild along with league placing extra care and protection to raise them. They are more obedient compared to most fire Pokemons ,or as obedient as any powerful firey Pokemon could be.

Next is Flareon an evolved form of the rarest normal pokemons, Eevee. This shows how unlikely they may be found here.

Magmar is found near volcanic areas or in the volcano itself and slugma are in case of mountain. Others aren't found around anyway.

So steel type pokemons were very effective here. He really wanted to evolve his Onix into steelix but the process of forging metals as well as the items required for that as mentioned in the Mysterious book are rare.

The process itself is time taking so he cannot do it anytime soon.

Then, there is a wide assortment of flying type pokemons who could join the battle and with them flying high up in the air, they are one of the most annoying ones to deal with.

They are going to be one of the most prominent of all the pokemons along with normal type, bug type , ground type and poison type pokemons.

Among all these pokemons, the only ones Alex was cautious about, not afraid but cautious , were Pidgeot, fearow, Nidoking and nidoqueen, Ursaring, Scyther and heracross.

The reason for being cautious was one of these pokemons are most likely to be the leader of the group. And their powers would be difficult to deal with. Pidgeot isn't pseudo king so he can't deal with the flying ones and if electabuzz's move don't make contact then it is worthless.

Ursaring, Scyther and heracross are also not a problem. But their innate nature makes them a difficult opponent to face.

The real problem are Nidoking and Nidoqueen. Their ground and poison attribute make them very irritating to deal with. The ground type weakens or even nullify effect of electric moves on them and the poison type makes close combat difficult.

Even if he managed to hold them back, the poison would make it difficult for electabuzz to face them. To face any one of the two, he need a good support Pokemon.

He needs someone who knows refresh to deal with his status problem Electabuzz may suffer from. As long as he isn't poisoned badly, he would be able to take them on.

Alex has three Pokemons who know it. They are Happiny, Swablu and Espeon.

Happiny and Swablu can't protect themselves in this scenario and only Espeon is capable. But her mental tiredness from her facing Mismagius made him worry about her.

This was really problematic for Alex when he had to face Nidoking or Nidoqueen. If there are more pseudo king in the group his pidgeot and Slowking can handle the first one together with Snorlax holding down the other one. If the number of pseudo king is three or more, then all his pokemons has to work overtime and he himself has to participate in the tide to face off the Pokemons.

If push comes to shove then Alex could use all his pokemons to deal with four pseudo king pokemons at max and then they will be too injured to move, himself included for about a few months, on basis of their resilience.

And this isn't good for Alex.

If he encountered Scyther, murkrow, Rhyhorn ,stantler, pinser, heracross, Abra line or a Geodude line, he might catch them there. They could be good addition to the team.

Stantler and Misdreavus could train together in illusion. Murkrow was a good fighter and his super luck was something he wanted in his team along with prankster.

Scyther, pinser and Geodude are good fighter with Geodude line being a good tank if trained well.

All of them are strong in their own right. Pinser, heracross and Alakazam are even capable of mega evolution as far as he remembers. And the two bugs has fighting sub type which can overcome the lack of fighting types in his team.

They both could serve as sparring partner for electabuzz and riolu ( also as Lucario after his evolution).

And for Abra, no one could have enough psychic Pokemons in their team. Abra or his evolved forms can be raised as a substitute sensor for the farm when he needed Slowking.

Each of these are good addition for his team.

And the thing that they can even mega evolve which would increase their powers exponentially was another bonus for him.

Now what formation he should take to face them is the question.

The Pokemons won't have a stable attack formation but for humans to have a good chance of victory with as little casualty as possible, they need a good formation.

Soon a knock brought him back to the reality. He had claydol out for support much earlier and made him check his office for any eavedropping device earlier.

He prepared himself for facing the subordinates who may be a little disobedient on their first meeting.

How will he deal with his subordinates ? Stay tuned

To be continued....

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There were a total of seven men and six women in the group.

Ten of them were in their military uniform with their rank badges on them while one woman was in office clothes and two other make and female were in doctor's attire.

Darthnorthercreators' thoughts