

" What I want is a doctor backing and an assistant professor position."

His request seem a bit strange to her so she asked," Why ?"

"I came across a new way of evolution of poliwhirl As well as a slowpoke." he replied.

"Hearing this she was shocked. Evolutionary way of Pokemon were mysterious and many different kinds are revealed from time to time and the fact that a young trainer found a new way was even more fascinating.

Her pokemons too were surprised and amazed after hearing this but the three pokemons Gengar, Alakazam and Mismagius were acting as if nothing strange happened.

" How did you find this?"

" My grandpa has a poliwhirl . It mostly stay at home. Once while traveling my grandpa came across a old crown like thing I by accident let it fall on poliwhirl so it suddenly evolved into politoed.

And later once scouting the forest around my house I came across another one. I call it King's Rock. This time I tried it on many pokemon especially water types but it didn't work.

Later I tried it on a slowpoke. it changed into an appearance similar to slowpoke but a shell on his head, marking it's royalty. And a red-white scarf around it's neck.

It is unlike slowpoke and Slowbro, it is cleverer and royal.

It's psychic power too has magnified spectacularly.

After consulting my grandpa, I got those data regarding it."

Agatha was more and more amazed by his knowledge and intelligence.

" So why do you ask for a doctor's backing instead of just posting the research?"

" I am just a rookie now with no backing or any support. If I reveal it just like that I will be dragged to the court on charges of theft and stealing research and will be banned for ever becoming a professor. My grandpa specified me not to do so early until I served as an assistant. This research I will reveal as an assistant under the doctor so that I have some research backing and my later research won't be targeted." He said

Agatha on hearing his reasoning frowned but she too agreed on this. Many researcher spend day and night to discover or invent something new but now a trainer who hasn't travelled for a day now find something extraordinary which they couldn't find. This will be smashing their face and they will Target and destroy him before anything.

After some thought, she agreed after all he was going to Samuel anyway. Telling him this and with his support he won't suffer their retaliation and even they will have to give way to him.

" But won't this affect you. After all you spent so much on this project and submitting it on others name will be disheartening. "Agatha asked.

" I have also found a new type which is completely immune to psychic attacks. This will be my ladder to the top level of Pokemon Researcher." He answered her truthfully.

The reason for revealing it was to see whether she would force him to reveal his secret or support him. After all he still didn't reveal about steel or fairy type. so he still had a backhand

Hearing Alex froze her up. Psychic type was one of the most powerful type of pokemons. Almost every pokemons in this type is capable of being an acre in any team and their psychic powers were also a taboo. To think a type was immune to their attacks was an astounding discovery.

Her Alakazam too was fazed by the words. He never came across one who was immune to it so he listened intently.

Agatha calmed herself and asked," Can you elaborate?" Though she tried to speak normally her voice still trembled.

" While training slowking I had it fight some pokemons. I came across three pokemons on whom his powers didn't work. I still defeated them but using ice and water moves.

Though defeating carvanha was really irritating.

The three pokemons were murkrow, absol and carvanha.

on them none of the psychic moves worked. Neither psybeam, psyshock, psychic , zen headbutt or other moves worked.

But their bite, crunch or faint attack heavy affected him. Since they are mostly dark coloured I called them the dark type.

Only these were nearby the town and I couldn't travel far by then so I only found them . it still is an incomplete research so I will have to work harder and complete it.

I think houndoom like too is a dark type along with the Mightyena. But it is not confirmed."

Agatha listened intently. She was an old player in the game of words. She knew he didn't reveal all but only enough to attract her attention. These research data were enough to show his intelligence. She knew what he wanted to do by this.

He was not only trying to see if they could let her scummed to greed. He also revealed his value so that league would give him incentives and boons.

He was smarter in the underhanded moves too.

" Very well I will introduce you to Samuel in my name. But what else do you want? And don't make such faces, I know your appetite will be satisfied with this."

Alex smiled meekly and said," I want free supply of Pokemon food ingredients for five years."

They started negotiations again.

" it is theft. it will only be six months."

" I sent you a strategic weapon. it must be five "

" Fine for an year"

" Why don't you steal it? five years mean five"

Seeing him not wavering, " Fine. no more than two"

yet he didn't agree. But for old times sake she agreed at three years

Their pokemons just continued to look at their comical negotiations silently.

But Alex appetite wasn't over he once again demanded a term . This angered Agatha and she roared at him and said," Enough. Didn't we give you so much. What more do you want "

But Alex wasn't affected by her anger," I was thinking that after visiting Prof. Oak I should stay in the forest for a month or two so I wanted a healing pokemons. I already had a Milktank for physical powers and a healer will be much appreciated." He smiled at her slyly.

Agatha was now burning with fury. Alex and her pokemons had left a gap for them in fear that her anger will fell on them. After taking some big breathe, she said," It will take some time. The Chansey race is strictly regulated by the Joys. It will reach you by the time you arrive at pallet town."

" Thank you " After saying that Alex quickly left because he too knew how much he angered her. He just wanted to get a bottom line for the trade but his demands were easily accepted so he was happy.

The food delivery already helped him a lot. Now he will not be spending billions on food.

The food will reach his home and his other pokemon Pidgeot and slowking will too be rewarded with it.

So he left the hotel happily and went to his room without greeting Lance or Lorelei. This day took a toll on him and he needed to rest.

He sleep through the noon and woke up at evening to feed his Pokemon and also to take a look at his spending.

Alex now will soon have a healer and a Milktank for healthy growth of the young infant soon to hatch. What is it will be revealed after his visit to Oak Laboratory?

To be continued....
