
Viridian Forest ( part 5)

After the shadow members left, Lorelei looked around the room and then seeing Lance headed towards him and greeted him," Lance, you too are caught. Didn't you always say you are the best and no one could catch you."

" Lor..relei, what are you doing here?" Lance asked surprised.

" I too was kidnapped same as you. duhh " Lorelei replied nonchalantly.

" That's not what I meant. forget it . so how are you kidnapped here." Lance asked curiously.

" I was kidnapped three days ago. when I was crossing the Viridian forest I was suddenly attacked by a Golbat which defeated both my Slowpoke and seel as well as my Lapras. then it confused me and I was here. " she explained to Lance then looked at the black hair boy beside Lance and curiously asked," Who are you?"

" I am Alex Bart. I am traveling along with Lance. Nice to meet you." Alex introduced himself.

" Hello, I am Lorelei." she introduced and she extended her hand to shake her hands with him but couldn't as he was still tied up.

Seeing this Lorelei apologized and then helped untie both of them. " so what so special about you ?" Lorelei asked Lance.

" What do you mean?" Alex asked.

" I know Lance since we were young. he doesn't travel along with just anyone. so what is special about you." she once again asked.

Lance angrily stated," Now is not the time to talk about these matters. we should think about what to do in this situation."

" you are right but what can we do. they took our Pokemon and we don't know anything about how many people they are or how to leave this place." Lorelei added.

" Do you know anything about the Shadows and what do they want to do." Alex asked Lorelei.

"They are only here to give us enough food so that we can survive and not die of hunger. there had been some noise every now and then. And the two shadows you saw today, they are the only ones we know of. And they seem to be as strong as intermediate trainer level. And we can guess there may be even more stronger one present here." Lorelei narrated what she knew of.

After hearing Lorelei Alex thought for sometime and then looked at all the trainers present in the room and suddenly his eyes brightened. he looked at both Lorelei and Lance and said," I know what we can do. now listen carefully...."

While Alex was explaining his plans to the two Trainers in the other side of base of shadows the leader of this base was convening a meeting.

In the large room and there were tables and chairs arranged in a circular manner. There were six people seated of which one of them was at the top.

This person at the top who probably was the leader started," Now that we all know about the assignment we were given. we should now transfer these packages then complete this task so that we will not be held for our failure. " Thinking about the punishment for failure, the leader along with all the other people present shuddered.

then he continued," Also the people of Kanto are also thinking about attacking here. This information is what we got. so boar, snake, slug and bat you three head out along with twenty of the grunts to delay the action of the league while others will start the procedure for their transfer."

After hearing that they buzzed among themselves then a female voice asked," then how will we defend the base from inside and look after the kidnapped trainer, what happens if there is a situation?"

" do you think I don't know this. But what can they do ? they don't even have their pokeball. how will they take on our well trained people." He asked her.

" I am sorry boss." she apologized.

" Don't worry boar. and all of you don't mess up we should complete our task perfectly."

" For the glory of Shadows."

"For the glory of Shadows."*5 they all said excitedly.

Similarly in the Viridian city, in a dark room there were a score of people and they were discussing something.

After they discussed all their matter their leader stated," Then tommorow we will start acting."

" let's make those shadows regret coming to Kanto."

" Yeah let's make them look good"

"Yeah let's defeat them."

" For the League." they all shouted.

While the leader himself was quiet thinking about something

Now all the three groups are thinking of their plans and working to lead it to fruition. So stay tuned to know what their plans really are and what they do to face their enemies.

to be continued.....
