
17) Viridian Forest ( Part 1)

Next morning Alex and Lance left the Pewter city. From the information they got from the Pokemon center the pewter city is separated from Viridian Forest by a large forest range of Viridian forest. In the path there are about three towns and other smaller villages. out of which only one is a Pokemon gym.

After talking with Flint he suggested against challenging both the gym at Eternal town and at Viridian town for two different reason. Not take part in Viridian town because the gym leader there was very strict and only accepted challenges of 2- star and 3- star battles.

also the league had allowed him to release a bit of water meaning not hold back much as Viridian City is closest to the Trainer town where League tournament takes place and it would be better to have a gym act as deterrent. He suggested them to challenge it before the league as a pre training for league. And if they do well they might officially enter the Indigo league.

Indigo league officially starts among the top 16 trainers. And all the tournament matches take place in the main stadium in the presence of MOLTRES flame so it was regarded as the true beginning of indigo league.

As for why not challenge the Eternal town gym because it was the weakest and the only reason it had a gym in the first place because the gym was established by a great trainer who sacrificed himself to protect the people and also made great contribution to the league.

The reason for not challenging it is that the gym leader is very arrogant and short tempered. Many times he had acted behind the back in the shadows and harmed them. in some cases there was death of Pokemon too. Since no trainer was killed the league opted to look other way because of it's influence and not want to disrupt the function of league as it happens in a close area.

If he act so it may cause some storm for them and bring them in limelight of some unsavory forces so for their protection he asked them not to challenge it.

Since knowing this they decided to completely

ignore the town and head directly to the Viridian city. After half a day trek , Lance suddenly shouted," I am tired. I am not moving an inch. Let's stop here and have lunch."

Alex ignored his mushing and looked at the position of the sun . Seeing it was nearly afternoon he also said," Fine let's eat."

Then they both released all their Pokemon.

Lance Pokemon were:






while Alex was eyeing Lance Pokemon, Lance too looked at Alex Pokemon too

They were:






He didn't reveal his Haunter as he wanted to keep him a secret till they safely reach Viridian city.

Seeing Eevee, Lance shouted," When did you get a Eevee. Was it before we met? Oh I am so jealous."

" I caught it in the pewter city just the day before we left it, and what are you jealous about you got a Dratini and a Kadabra and don't forget another dragon type when Swablu evolve to Altaria. "

" So what I am still jealous. just deal with it"

Kadabra is a primarily yellow, humanoid Pokémon. It has two large, pointed ears on top of its head, a red star on its forehead, and wide cheeks leading down to a thin snout. Its eyes are deep-set and narrow. Extending from its snout are two mustache-like tufts of fur, with males having longer mustaches than females. Kadabra's torso is segmented with bulky shoulders, a thick, brown chest, and a small abdomen marked by three red, wavy lines. Attached to the Pokémon's abdomen is a large, thick tail encircled with a brown band near its base. Its arms are thin with brown elbows, and end in three-fingered hands with white claws. Its legs have prominent knees and large, three-toed feet, also ending in white claws. Kadabra is always seen carrying a silver spoon, which amplifies its telekinetic powers.


Nidorino is a light purple, quadruped Pokémon. It has several darker purple spots across its body. It has large, spiny ears with teal insides, narrow black eyes, and a long snout with two pointed teeth protruding from the upper jaw. It has a ridge of toxic spines on its back, and a long, pointed horn on its forehead. The horn is harder than a diamond and capable of secreting poison on impact. Its short legs have three claws on each foot.

" And I should be jealous. I want a Nidoking and Alakazam. and you got both their pre evolved form."

" Haha of course. I am awesome. Just deal with it."

Over time they have been together he found that Lance likes to brag about himself and loves his cape very much. In the morning jla Rattata slightly cut a corner of his cloak and he had it roasted by Charmander. How childish.

It seems our hero forgot how he acted when Persian stole his food. Also before coming he sold all of them for

Meowth: 12*8000=96000

and Persian for 25000

total amounting to 124000.

Of which he bought a five hundred year ice for 100000. this time he lucked out. one knows that it costs around 500000 coins, buying it at one fifth the price he lucked out.

Then he started making preparation for cooking while Lance brought wood. He had gave his Pokemon some Berry cubes he made them according to their taste. Since Lance had his own so he didn't ask if he want some.

After cooking which every one liked, they decided to rest here. they had already decided to keep their trainings a secret . mostly bit was Lance who stated that he trained according to his clan secret training and can't impart it to stranger and apologizd him.

After all Alex had his own so he didn't mind. Now he didn't teach them any new move he just now asked them to train in their previous moves only so that they can be proficient in them.

After a day training, they rested in the forest with their Pokemon out sleeping along with them if there is any problem they would arrange them.

And meanwhile in the another part of Viridian forest

"How are the arrangements?"

" We are going according to the plan"

" Good. But have the package been transported to the base."

" Yes sir.".

" We still have not completely filled all the slots. We still have to find more Trainer for the trail.i I won't tolerate failure."

" We will not fail." the print said with firey eyes and madness. "For the glory of the shadows."

" For the shadows." said his boss solemnly.

And this was the first day of our hero journey through the Viridian forest. and what have the mysterious shadows planned. what is the package they talked about? And what is this trail they keep talking about? To know all this stay tuned.

to be continued....
