
Christmas Special - Together as a family Part 2

Giselle rocked forth while little Lia, who is 12 months old, is boisterously active in her own merriment.

Giselle only buys the little angel soft toys and dolls as the babies this older can tend to be mobile.

Lia played dearly with her kitty doll and much more resting at the moment surrounding the toddler. The kitty doll is her favorite because it was a gift from her father, and she distinctly remembers the images of her handsome father play lovingly with her at times.

It was a harsh period for Giselle as she just got separated from her unwilled marriage. Although the divorce is mutual, it happened only recently, and Giselle is left alone at the time where everyone spent with family.

She rested on her rocking chair, entertaining the solemn hush and fortitude. Her eyes only watched Lia and making sure she is in her vicinity. Little Lia being active for her age, played tenderly with her dolls and often used her sweet voice to call her mother in her baby language. 'Mama- maa- mama-' Lia called her mother to check out her kitty doll resting on her embrace at that time;

Lia was active in showing her mother everything she did with love and surely wanted to hide away from her little charming trickster works of pushing things and breaking stuff.

Giselle, being smart, never give in to little angel's tricks and taunts, for she handles Lia perfectly well. If there's someone who spoils this angel to their heart content is its father, Ethan.

Ethan loves his daughter the most in the world, and ignoring the divorce, would still display his affection sincerely for his child and its mother.

He never developed hate towards Giselle and understood her for who she was. Hence, despite his family being against Giselle, Ethan only showered love and affection. His family, though liked Giselle at first, when learned about her truth displayed empathy, but more on their own child for he got betrayed and lost in love. They chose only to support him, leaving Giselle alone on Christmas Eve.


Feeling drowsy, Giselle picked Lia and put her in the crib and carefully spread her dolls around so that she could continue playing. Grabbing a chair near to the child, Giselle took her seat and slowly drifted to sleep.


The house gets renewed every year during this time as Eric calls the kids and put them in charge to clean and create space to decorate their traditional Christmas tree in the living room. Gigi and Giselle worked and earned themselves their favorite presents while Melanie would cook their desired dishes on Christmas Eve.

Despite not speaking to each other like usual, Gigi and Giselle did exchange gifts under the code name 'Ms. G,' for both used their name's first letter to address the other.

Gigi knew her sister likings and chose her present accordingly while Giselle being as a reserve as always, ends up picking traditional gifts for the season. Nonetheless, no one complained and accepted her effort and thoughts rather than judging.

Every Christmas Giselle spent at home with her family went traditionally. Only when she encountered Lillian Grey, she would often think of her and wonder in solitude, hoping when the day will arrive for Giselle to develop the guts to confess her love.


Twitching to a noise, Giselle woke up from her short nap where she spent her Christmas, young and free along with her family happily.

Opening her eyes, she saw Lia crying as her favorite doll's stitch cracked and exposing the soft cotton inside.

Giselle noticed Lia crying from the damage of her favorite kitty doll.

"It's alright, Lia. Mommy will stitch it now for you," Giselle rose from her seat as she took hold of little Lia and gently petted her head while showering kisses all along.

Under her mother's warmth and love, Lia soon calmed down and only threw little sniffs of cry while Giselle walked front and back in the bedroom.

The doorbell rang unexpectedly, and Giselle noticed it.

It stirred Lia back to raising her wails, and Giselle moved her to the living room and positioned her on the ground near her other toys and then went to answer the door.

To her surprise, Ethan stood holding two large paper bags, and an earnest smile plastered on his face.

"Merry Christmas, hello, Giselle," he greeted.

"Ethan-" Giselle startled in shock and froze at the spot.

"Can I come inside? It's snowing out there, and I happen to trip ten times on my way here," Ethan pleaded while battling the cold.

Giselle let him in at once and helped with his bags. She then went to grab a blanket for him to warm up. As they did all these in a wink, Lia noted that the intruder is her favorite person.

"Papa-" she called in her angelic tone with the fullest smile, exposing her baby teeth - some present and some vacant.

Hearing her voice, changed Ethan's demeanor as his gaze flashed at once towards the direction and found Lia.

"Ah- my darling queen, baby, yes, it is papa," Ethan sounded and matched to her way of communication as he hopped softly towards his daughter.

Giselle asked him to sit on the couch with Lia while she brings him something warm to drink.

Ethan agreed and picked little Lia, his darling queen, and made her sit on his lap.

Lia, upon seeing her father kept repeating 'papa' heartily.

Ethan couldn't handle her affection and kept showering his kisses while playing with his child.

Giselle returned to the living room with a cup of tea and served him while taking Lia to her lap now.

Lia did not cry, for she could still see her papa, and it is the only mama who took her away. She forgave her mother and kept throwing her hands towards her papa.

Ethan forced to finish his drink and retrieved Lia back to his embrace.

Giselle watched the two, frolicking and wording in their own world. She smiled for the first in the evening without a worry.

Giselle is glad to see Ethan on Christmas Eve, for he is her only resort to someone who understood her. However, she worried if he informed his family about his visit or not.

"I did sit down for dinner, and as we went along saying our grace to the lord, I remembered you and Lia, and that I have a family of mine somewhere out there, alone on this festive day. Even though we are not husband and wife, we still care for each other, and we have Lia to protect. The next minute, I rushed out as fast as I could after having a bite of what mother made and tripped as I did on my journey, came straight to see your faces. Happy Holidays, Giselle- and my little angel, look at you, already crouching like a tiger," Ethan expressed and continued along in Lia's language as the two made sounds and noises happy to Giselle's ears.

Ethan noticed Giselle's quietness. He continued.

"I know things are changing, now that you have to raise Lia, but rest assure, for I'll always support you, and my daughter takes priority over anything."

By now, Ethan's voice cracked as he expressed how much of gratefulness he wishes for Giselle, having to bear the child and give birth rather than erasing its existence upon learning. He felt sincere in his expression, and Giselle cried on his gratitude.

"I grew up in a loving family, and I love kids. If you had opted to abort the child, then I think my endless admiration for you would change into hatred, but I'm glad you did not, and you chose to bring this life into the world and took responsibility without any complaint. For that, I'm in your debt until my death. Who can imagine having such a precious child and what a sweetheart for she is so loving and adoring!" Ethan conveyed his message, crystal clear, and resumed playing with his lovable daughter.

Giselle was glad, merry to make a memorable night, not for her but for Lia, who happen to love her parents to the worlds. Partly, she also blames herself for letting Lia experience her parent's separation. However, Ethan assured her that they wouldn't be like the other divorced couples and grew hate upon each other. He filled Giselle with hope and promised Lia that he would be there for her till his eternity.

"I didn't make much food, too," Giselle cried. She thought it would be just her and Lia alone, and so, prepared a simple Christmas meal.

"Oh, that's alright, I can have only a bite, and that's enough. I wanted to give my company to you two tonight; that is all enough. We can share and manage. Also, Ah-" Ethan gaped while agitating from his seat swiftly, he gave Lia to Giselle and grabbed one of his bags and searched.

"I stopped by the market and purchased a few things. I got presents for you and Lia and-" Ethan went on as he explored the bag.

"I got a fruit cake from this bakery. Oh- yes, I got a few things that I can mush together for Lia to eat, but I need your assistance Giselle, help me. And-" Ethan continued.

Finally, finding the item, he revealed a pair of sock in the Christmas colors and a Santa clause hat for babies.

"I found this selling, and I couldn't resist seeing Lia wearing it," Ethan melted as he spoke.

Giselle agreed, and the two spent the next few minutes dressing up little Lia.

The child entertained her parents and went along with them moving her tiny arms and legs wishfully, and soon, Lia got pretty in her new costume along with the accessories that her father bought for her.

Ethan took out his camera and clicked dozens of pictures while keeping Lia's focus on himself and letting her pose cutely.

Giselle stood farther away as she gazed the two cordially enjoying time, ignoring the world and its talks.

Giselle, who is far from her home and her familiar people, still managed to get care, for love kept following her across miles.

The rest of the items in the bag included snacks, drinks, and presents for two, wrapped neatly with a bow.

"Giselle?" Ethan screamed all suddenly.

Giselle went to his panic and heard the news.

"L- Lia, Lia took her first step, Giselle!" Ethan stuttered as he spoke in shock.

Giselle's eyes grew wide as well, for it is the child's first step, and both the parent was present to witness it.

Ethan exploded in merriment while Giselle watched Lia trying to do it again on her own. It bought tears to the mother and father. Ethan lifted his baby high and cheered on her accomplishment.

"Come on, we have to take a picture together," Ethan signaled as he invited Giselle alongside pleading little Lia to perform her impressive stunt again.

That night, even though Giselle made tough choices on her life, she was glad to have met Ethan, and for the gentleman he is. She knew that moment that Ethan will be there for Lia as a good father, and as well for her as a good friend.

The little family ended up taking many pictures to remember the night when they chose love instead of hostility and family over sentiment.

Note: This chapter event happens a little after Giselle and Ethan's separation. Mind she is still abroad and already completed her college.

When I chose to give two different chapters regarding Lillian and Giselle, I went this way. Though they are from different timelines, it was fun to write.

I hope you enjoyed this as well.

On this joyous occasion, take time to thank and show your affection. Mend the broken and help the needful. Live your life to your heart's content!

Eat some delicious meal and play and enjoy life at the moment without pondering the worries for life will always find a way to make you happy. Believe and Love, and Rock the world with your spirit!

Merry Christmas once again to everyone.

See you soon!!!

ljack_acecreators' thoughts